Nearly put this in the joke thread

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Groups of cyclists make things better - you only have to overtake one group rather than each one of them separately strung out down the roadMany cycle facilities are an absolute farce and are best avoided Cycle Facility of the Month It's perfectly legal to avoid them too, unless there is a specific prohibition on cycling on the roadThere are.
Were B & H coun :unsure: cil unable to think that a partial dropped kerb would allow cyclists to stay in their lane?
I still say ; "Put the tax on fuel, let them that use the roads most, pay the most." Before Sorning my car, when covid took over, I averaged 1,000 mpyr , with tax @ £356, a pal bought a new car in which he probably does 10k /yr.& zero tax. We need a fairer system.
I hate que jumpers ( and christmas jumpers ) but i wouldnt beat one to death with a can of beans...

It's people in supermarkets not wearing masks that I would gladly beat to death with a can of beans (or a can of fruit, or beetroot...)

Cheers, Vann.
Pheasants should be banned, hit one the other day £1400 of damage. Through the grill, through the electric louvers, and damage to radiator.
Hit a deer the week before in the van and did the bonnet in.
Not a good run, I'm vegan and seriously wondering if fate is playing a game with me.
I did once see a camel grazing at the roadside in France.
I have have a photo somewhere that I took in France that has a camel, a baby (or possibly pygmy) hippopotamus, and perhaps a goat all grazing together under a sign labelled "Complex Sportif". Unfortunately it's an old school hard copy photo and not digital, so I can't verify it for you immediately.

Re lycra - luckily we don't have too many Captain Condom wannabes because cycling in Greece is just a complicated way to comit suicide whilst improbably dressed. We get a few Italians with their fashion-victim lifestyle ensuring they have the most expensive of everything from bike to sunnies to team colours. Greek roads are wide, with an extensive hard shoulder normally full of decomposing roadkill, plus a culture of allowing zero personal space when - what could possibly go wrong?. More entertaining are the northern Europeans on a cycling tour: normally a retired couple from Holland or Germany who didn't think through the consequences of cycling in 40°C whilst carrying everything they own in panniers, up mountains. You see the wife first - husband is invariably fitter and stronger and 2 miles ahead of wife - who is normally puce of face and telephoning her divorce lawyer (I may have made up that last bit). They never seem to be enjoying their holiday. Perhaps cycling isn't as much fun when you do it all day?

I reckon that the more time challenged you are, the less patience you have for delays caused by other road users. I think a retired Sunday only driver (with obligatory flat cap) would be much more accepting of cyclists or farm vehicles than an Amazon delivery driver, for example.

It is also a legal requirement to wear a mask while cycling in Greece - logic is everything when you follow the science.
why though do cyclists expect a five foot wide gap when motorists pass them yet are quite happy to cycle at speed between cars waiting at lights etc. why dont they give the cars a five foot wide space as well.
double standards.... ALL cyclists should have to be registered and wear a hi viz vest with that reg number on it just like cars have to have a reg. no vest equals plod stopping them and fines just as a car driver would get and it would also mean that when they run red lights the cameras could get them just like a car.. And a final question if a cyclist does run a red light and does get stopped if they have a car licence do they get points on it just as a car driver would?

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