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    • J
      John Brown replied to the thread Joe Biden drops out.
      He really doesn't need to read testament. We all need to forget the religious nonsense. We have civil law now, we shouldn't need...
    • J
      John Brown replied to the thread Joe Biden drops out.
      My 10 year old granddaughter loves it.
    • J
      John Brown reacted to Mike Fletcher's post in the thread Joe Biden drops out with Like Like.
      I'm an American having lived in the UK for the past 34 years. I don't hear a lot of what goes on but through family and friends I get...
    • J
      John Brown reacted to selectortone's post in the thread Joe Biden drops out with Like Like.
      How the American bible belt can idolise a man with the morals of an alley cat baffles me.
    • J
      John Brown reacted to GuitardoctorW7's post in the thread No Fault Evictions with Like Like.
      So let me get this straight, you provide properties for altruistic reasons, not to run as a business for profit? I joined this Forum as...
    • J
      John Brown replied to the thread Joe Biden drops out.
      Well I have to say that I think that's total nonsense. But you are, of course, entitled to your own opinions. Interestingly, I'm in the...
    • J
      John Brown replied to the thread Price of Fuel.
      Would charging for road use not be a fairer system?
    • J
      John Brown replied to the thread Joe Biden drops out.
      He's never heard of most people, to be honest. He can't even remember the name of his doctor. He's heard of Hannibal Lecter, apparently.
    • J
      John Brown replied to the thread John Mayall RIP.
      Saw him twice live. Once at Shepton Mallet, and once at The Albert Hall(or so my old friend informs me - I just remember it was...
    • J
      John Brown replied to the thread Joe Biden drops out.
      I can't read your post without imagining that you regard Trump and "Camilla"(very droll) as deities, what with all the capitalized pronouns.
    • J
      John Brown replied to the thread Joe Biden drops out.
      Yeah, but that's not what Trump says...
    • J
      John Brown replied to the thread Joe Biden drops out.
      And what foolish things has she said, according to your TV?
    • J
      John Brown reacted to Chris152's post in the thread Joe Biden drops out with Like Like.
      The idea that trump is presidential material is deeply disturbing. I truly can't get my head round how dysfunctional a society that...
    • J
      John Brown replied to the thread Joe Biden drops out.
      The man's only love is for himself.
    • J
      John Brown replied to the thread Joe Biden drops out.
      I wonder why? Could it be simply because the man is a total a-hole? He's also no slouch when it comes to smear campaigns. I can...
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