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    • MikeJhn
      MikeJhn replied to the thread Melting Lead.
      Buy some BB shot and UV Resin, both available on Amazon, no heating or flames needed, did this for a fly tying base, works well.
    • MikeJhn
      MikeJhn replied to the thread The China Effect.
      We can't dismiss the feel good factor in all of this, picking up a good tool that fits the hand well can have a positive effect on how...
    • MikeJhn
      Brilliant, it would seem that wrapped kitchen doors and drawers are prone to blowing, as mine did luckily under guarantee and where...
    • MikeJhn
      Made my own compression fitting spanner from an old forged ring spanner and an angle grinder, supposed to be a temporary fix about...
    • MikeJhn
      MikeJhn replied to the thread Another scam?.
      The latest scam I am getting is a phone call saying "This is bank security and we have noticed an unusual transaction ...
    • MikeJhn
      Easier and less expensive way to get roller bearings onto a BS350 bandsaw from post 92...
    • MikeJhn
      Intrigued by the : DeWalt DCF850N 18v XR DeWalt sits says three speed and torque settings, does anyone know if the torque settings are...
    • MikeJhn
      MikeJhn replied to the thread Towbars.
      Lots of myths and miss information concerning car insurance and companies not paying out, the truth is you have a contract with the...
    • MikeJhn
      MikeJhn replied to the thread Pants on Fire!.
      And it all accords to what she identifies herself as.
    • MikeJhn
      MikeJhn replied to the thread Joke Thread 5.
      • Tofudabeast.jpeg
    • MikeJhn
      MikeJhn replied to the thread Which tape measure?!!.
      I do like my Festool tape, the one with the radius hole and window on the top to read from the pin on the fold out arm.
    • MikeJhn
      MikeJhn reacted to Fitzroy's post in the thread Which tape measure?!! with Like Like.
      they are playing hide and seek with the pencils, in my workshop the pencils have the lead at the moment.
    • MikeJhn
      MikeJhn replied to the thread Pants on Fire!.
      So is God isn't she.
    • MikeJhn
      MikeJhn replied to the thread 43" TV recomendations?.
      Recommendation noted, but unfortunate as they are no longer available otherwise I would still have one instead of the horrible slow and...
    • MikeJhn
      MikeJhn replied to the thread New project for work.
      Not so, any timber set into earth will rot at ground level, therefore protection needs to extend above that level, heat shrink wrap can...
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