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      Cabinetman reacted to MikeJhn's post in the thread Joke Thread 4 with Like Like.
      More like Newcastle Brown Ale, rather than cool I think it's a shame that any woman believes they are so uninteresting they have to...
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      Cabinetman reacted to Blackswanwood's post in the thread Joke Thread 4 with Like Like.
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      Cabinetman reacted to Blackswanwood's post in the thread Joe Biden drops out with Like Like.
      It’s interesting how we all have different perspectives and I know you split your time between the UK and US so will have a different...
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      Cabinetman replied to the thread Joe Biden drops out.
      Trump was annoyed that America was paying far more than anybody else in the NATO alliance and I don’t blame him, after all some of the...
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      Cabinetman reacted to Delaney's post in the thread Joe Biden drops out with Like Like.
      With all due respect, I find this view point to be pretty conceited and I found it rather ugly to read. We’ve hit a lot of buzzwords...
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      Cabinetman replied to the thread Joe Biden drops out.
      I disagree, I’ve watched him, he really does care about the people and America you only have to look at his policies. Tough luck for...
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      Cabinetman reacted to Yorkieguy's post in the thread Joke Thread 4 with Like Like.
      Trigger Warning! Before anyone gets the wrong idea, this is a joke thread, and these are jokes - they're fiction, and don't in any way...
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      Cabinetman reacted to Delaney's post in the thread Joe Biden drops out with Like Like.
      Trump has never heard of you John. Thats must hurt given how important you are.
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      Cabinetman reacted to mcostello's post in the thread Joe Biden drops out with Like Like.
      The economy is getting expensive under Biden. I live here, You just hear what the news lets You hear. We here hear a little more than...
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      Cabinetman reacted to Delaney's post in the thread Joe Biden drops out with Like Like.
      Yet under Trump, poor people had more opportunity. What’s more important, your hurt sensibilities or real world outcomes?
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      Cabinetman reacted to danst96's post in the thread Joe Biden drops out with Like Like.
      He's presidential material when compared to Kamala/Joe on the other side of the field. The media is incredibly biased (majority of the...
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      Cabinetman replied to the thread Joe Biden drops out.
      Yes it does seem that a lot on here are left wing, but I think they just shout louder. What you have said here is spot on, like you I...
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      Cabinetman reacted to danst96's post in the thread Joe Biden drops out with Like Like.
      Kamala is a less viable option than Biden tbh. The democratic party have circumvented a democratic vote that elected Biden to be the...
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      Cabinetman replied to the thread Joe Biden drops out.
      Have you been in the States for most of this last year listening to her? No you haven’t, but I have, and I stand by what I said. She...
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      Cabinetman replied to the thread Joe Biden drops out.
      The second debate will, if it still goes ahead show that Harris is more than a bit dim, some of the things she says are cringeworthy...
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