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    • Jacob
      Jacob replied to the thread Timber framing engineering.
      I've recently acquired an 8ft square shed for bikes etc. Biggest timbers are ex 2" square, with 4x3/4" boards. This is not timber...
    • Jacob
      Jacob replied to the thread Putty advice for sash windows.
      Glazing sprigs are just for temporary use to hold glass in place if necessary whilst the putty goes off. Then should be taken out and...
    • Jacob
      Jacob replied to the thread Labour's Employment Rights Bill.
      Unite in the news: "The head of Unite, Sharon Graham, has already been applying pressure on the government to change its fiscal rules so...
    • Jacob
      Jacob reacted to Billy_wizz's post in the thread Labour's Employment Rights Bill with Like Like.
      Or all loose there jobs together as production gets moved somewhere cheaper/easier! To be fair some of the union activities I've read...
    • Jacob
      Jacob reacted to AJB Temple's post in the thread Labour's Employment Rights Bill with Like Like.
      I am an employer. Now small used to be medium sized. Employers will adopt a risk averse approach until they see how the land lies. I...
    • Jacob
      Jacob replied to the thread Labour's Employment Rights Bill.
      I blame the governments. Thatcher achieved no particular advantage from attacking the unions and set off a long period of decline...
    • Jacob
      Jacob replied to the thread Labour's Employment Rights Bill.
      If this was on the cards (it wasn't) we could have postponed leaving until that point. Not inevitable at all and we would have a voice...
    • Jacob
      Jacob replied to the thread Labour's Employment Rights Bill.
      tories more like. Remember brexit? The biggest losing policy by far, and for a generation or more. Rwanda looks relatively trivial in...
    • Jacob
      Jacob replied to the thread Labour's Employment Rights Bill.
      Running a union takes leadership, intellect, brains, skill, and a willingness to take risks.
    • Jacob
      Jacob replied to the thread Labour's Employment Rights Bill.
      Nonsense. People have always found the way to work for the necessities of life whatever their circumstances. The trouble with "the...
    • Jacob
      Jacob replied to the thread Speed Limit.
      Yes it happens a lot around here - being chased by maniacs in HGVs
    • Jacob
      Jacob replied to the thread Labour's Employment Rights Bill.
      In your view the workers do not deserve a decent wage and secure jobs.
    • Jacob
      Jacob replied to the thread Putty advice for sash windows.
      Just have to be patient with putty and wait for it to skin over. As a bonus you can leave it quite a long time before it must be...
    • Jacob
      Jacob replied to the thread Labour's Employment Rights Bill.
      No it's the right who have a one sided view of unions and the workers. I'm arguing for a level playing field. You get horrified reaction...
    • Jacob
      Jacob replied to the thread Labour's Employment Rights Bill.
      Why do you need to ask? Not particularly interesting but I've been a member of Unite for many years but as self employed it's a bit of a...
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