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      TomGW replied to the thread Change of career - what too..
      I'm friendly with a guy in our local village who cuts lawns during the summer and will do other garden and odd jobs, shrub pruning...
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      TomGW replied to the thread Home library.
      I would be inclined to cut the top off the architrave and insert a flat block, smaller than but similar to the detail at the bottom...
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      TomGW replied to the thread He thinks this is a caravan….
      The issue isn't whether or not it's a 'caravan'. The question is, "is it operational development"? Development is categorised as...
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      TomGW replied to the thread Veneer edges.
      Impossible to patch/repair. A very effective way to rejuvenate a vinyl wrap kitchen is to strip back to the mdf and spray a paint...
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      TomGW replied to the thread Old nails.
      If you are planning of removing the whole board/seat before re-fixing it in place I would attempt to drill through the old nails...
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      TomGW replied to the thread Paint removal..
      Is it only the banding around the openings and the plinth? Window cills too? Do you know what type of paint(s) were previously used?
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      If, as I'm guessing, the house is 50ish yard old, the plaster will be finish on a sand/cement scratch coat. The sand/cement scratch coat...
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      Is the damp on the upper part of the wall directly above the fireplace i.e. the inside of the external chimney breast? Is there an...
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      The ceiling looks like it hasn't been painted for a long time. Inadequate insulation above will result in the line of the joist being...
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      TomGW replied to the thread Circular Saw Vs Track Saw.
      I have both a Lidl (Parkside) track saw and a Festool TS55 - both use the same type tracks. While the Festool is certainly a better...
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      TomGW replied to the thread Retail mark up.
      Another thing to consider is setting up your own website and showing it in your Etsy or eBay pictures. Your own website can offer lower...
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      TomGW replied to the thread Punching tool for ferrules.
      Very nice work. I was actually doing a rough job yesterday using a couple of Stanley chisels that have short, black plastic handles...
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      TomGW replied to the thread Vacuum hose - Festool-alike.
      Thanks for the responses. Yes, I had been thinking about the Festool hose with the braided outer and super flexy inner. The soft...
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      TomGW replied to the thread Buying from Europe.
      I was recently on the train from Dublin to Portadown and got chatting to a man of my own vintage (67) who was also making use of his...
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      I use a couple of freestanding vacuums in my garage/workshop. One is fairly permanently attached to either the chop saw or mitre saw and...
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