Nearly put this in the joke thread

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Established Member
5 Jan 2017
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lincolnshire Wolds
And again, the people that actually pay for the road are being shunted further and further down the list of the ones able to use it. I can see this causing no end of accidents and bad feelings, particularly with cyclists.
Reproduced from the Telegraph.
Not a cyclist, given state of roads I can't blame them riding in the middle of the road. My objection is to pelotons of large groups, my record was following one group (30 odd) at 15mph for 7 miles. Eventually they pulled into a tea room and I also stopped to ask if they realised the traffic chaos they caused, I was not expecting the volley of abuse I received from a group of middle aged cyclists to a fairly civil question. Now I think they are all tw!ts
Is there a rule to be brought in that cyclists have to stop at red traffic lights (at present it seems red to cyclists means just ride through them) I'd like that.
And again, the people that actually pay for the road are being shunted further and further down the list of the ones able to use it. I can see this causing no end of accidents and bad feelings, particularly with cyclists.
Reproduced from the Telegraph.
View attachment 124465
Everyone who pays tax pays for the roads…
Like many on here, I'm a keen cyclist and riding in the gutter us dangerous. I ride approx a meter out beyond the manhole covers, puddles etc.

However what does wind me up is the big chain gangs of riders who ride 2 abreast without any thought for the massive queue of drivers behind🤔🤔🤔
And again, the people that actually pay for the road are being shunted further and further down the list of the ones able to use it.
*polite cough* It's Vehicle Excise Duty, not road tax; you're paying a fee based on the mass/size/pollution level of the vehicle.

TBH I always thought the rule at junctions was that a pedestrian crossing the road had priority. In any case, if a driver just swings into a junction with a pedestrian walking towards the road there's a decent chance they'll get a soft squishy bonnet (US: hood) ornament, so really need to be paying attention regardless.

As for riding away from the kerb; unfortunately the sheer number of pot holes and sunken drains present on many roads makes it pretty lethal to ride a bike close to the kerb.

All that said; cars and cyclists really don't mix well on roads - it's no good for either user, as the differing speeds and movement patterns just makes everyone angry with everyone else. Separate cycle lines would be much better for all.
It's safer for a group to stick together in a tight bunch, even two abreast, because it actually aids overtaking. You just have to overtake one large but slow moving "vehicle" when it's safe to do so, rather than a string of individual slow moving vehicles stretched out down the road.
It may not feel like it but it is true.
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Yes Sploo you are correct of course.
You may be correct in that it isn’t apportioned, but vehicle excise duty pays for the roads many times over without dipping into general taxation.
No it doesn't. It all goes into the same pot. It is not "hypothecated". It is just another bit of "general taxation".

All that said; cars and cyclists really don't mix well on roads - it's no good for either user, as the differing speeds and movement patterns just makes everyone angry with everyone else. Separate cycle lines would be much better for all.
Maybe the driving test should include a cycling test too - make all learners do a few hundred miles on a bike and get tested on it.
Your licence includes a list of what you can and can't drive, e.g. separate tests for HGVs and motor bikes. Maybe a restricted licence for those can't get to grips with bicycles.
And again, the people that actually pay for the road are being shunted further and further down the list of the ones able to use it. I can see this causing no end of accidents and bad feelings, particularly with cyclists.
Utter nonsense, and I'd have thought you a bit more sensible to be spouting such.
We all pay for the roads everyone. It's taken from general taxation.
Saying its from 'vehicle excise duty' is a strawman argument.

So let's do a bit of "apportioning"
Cars alone kill an average of 3 cyclists per week here int he UK, and injures about 20
And as to who causes the damage to the roads, as well as life and limb,its the car that holds the record.

Cyclists produce little to no pollution, and well I think we al know the biggest culprits there.

But please continue with your little tantrum

However what does wind me up is the big chain gangs of riders who ride 2 abreast without any thought for the massive queue of drivers behind

2 abreast is pretty much the equivalent width of a car, or if slightly wider, then a truck or a bus.
So why not blame buses or trucks for a build up of traffic. OR even ask yourself why it isnt safe to overtake. Could it possibly be that the high proportion of other cars,buses and trucks on the road are preventing it ?.
And since when do we see huge lines of build up traffic caught up behind buses ?, well obviously we dont. Drivers behind pick a safe time and overtake, and having 2 cyclists riding abreast is exactly the same. To be the equivalent of a bus you would need a group of 10 cyclists, and how often do we see groups of ten cyclists riding along city streets ?, yet again obviously we dont, so you are referring to a rare occurrence out on country roads, and not something that happens every day.

Really :confused: I thought intelligent people used these boards, but im now beginning to wonder
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So let's do a bit of "apportioning"
Cars alone kill an average of 3 cyclists per week here int he UK, and injures about 20
And as to who causes the damage to the roads, as well as life and limb,its the car that holds the record.

I think we have to do a bit of "apportioning", I assume some cyclists cause their own demise through poor riding. I know someone who had an accident with a cyclist who died, he was not to blame according to the courts and would still be mortified to be considered a cyclist killer as per your terminology.
I think we have to do a bit of "apportioning", I assume some cyclists cause their own demise through poor riding. cycle off the edge of cliffs etc but mostly we are talking about collisions with other vehicles:

Lack of road awareness, failure to judge the speed or distance of the cyclist, the inability of drivers to see cyclists properly and general rash or negligent behaviour, are some of the major reasons why cycling accidents happen. cycle off the edge of cliffs etc but mostly we are talking about collisions with other vehicles:

Lack of road awareness, failure to judge the speed or distance of the cyclist, the inability of drivers to see cyclists properly and general rash or negligent behaviour, are some of the major reasons why cycling accidents happen.

of course, but some are killed on the roads with no car driver error.

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