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      SimonB reacted to Cabinetman's post in the thread Workshop side door with Like Like.
      @SimonB other ways to make workshop doors more secure are, don’t have a traditional letterbox, they can use that to cut horizontally...
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      SimonB reacted to Cabinetman's post in the thread Workshop side door with Like Like.
      Hi, it’s a cheap and easy way to protect doors from attack to the hinges which is sometimes an easier way to break in than going for the...
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      SimonB reacted to Doug71's post in the thread Workshop side door with Like Like.
      Some people call them hinge bolts, they go on the hinge side in the edge of the door to add a bit more security. One way of breaking in...
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      SimonB replied to the thread Workshop side door.
      Thank you both.
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      SimonB replied to the thread Workshop side door.
      Ian , could you explain more please, I can't visualise this. I need to make some workshop doors and would like to make them as secure as...
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