Who else thinks this?


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I won't, thanks. But they didn't spit on 9 year old Danish kids, like Engerland supporters did.

Thoroughly abhorrent behaviour by supposed grown ups.

Oh believe me I'm not supporting such behaviour.
If you want to believe it's purely an England issue that's up to you.
The science? Is this the same science which says it is a breach of someone's human rights to deny them the gender which they determine themselves to be? And so a convicted male (birth sex) prisoner who self identified as a woman managed to get a transfer to a woman's prison where "she" then raped several other inmates (HMP New Hall)

I'm beginning to consider self-identifying as a teapot, or possibly as a one-legged black Irish lesbian called "Rodney". Either choice makes as much sense as the other, TBH
Oh believe me I'm not supporting such behaviour.
If you want to believe it's purely an England issue that's up to you.
I never said that it's purely an England issue, but it is an England issue and has been for a very long time. It's about time England sorted it out and set an example of how to behave in a civilised manner.

It makes me ashamed to see such behaviour from my country.
It's weird that it's become such focus for really bad tempered people. Even the game itself is bad tempered with grown men tripping each other up and trying to get away with it like little kids, arguing with the ref, sulking, and crying when they lose. Everybody looking stern and miserable. The English goalie was weird and seemed to be talking to himself all the time and looking irritable - was he on drugs?
In the background there were football riots in the streets and there will be a resurgence of football racism.
But a small number of people are making vast amounts of money from it.
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The science? Is this the same science which says it is a breach of someone's human rights to deny them the gender which they determine themselves to be? And so a convicted male (birth sex) prisoner who self identified as a woman managed to get a transfer to a woman's prison where "she" then raped several other inmates (HMP New Hall)

I'm beginning to consider self-identifying as a teapot, or possibly as a one-legged black Irish lesbian called "Rodney". Either choice makes as much sense as the other, TBH
If "science" then it's very confused and in its infancy, doesn't involve many people, so maybe not to worry too much about it Rodney!
Some of my best friends are teapots. If you can't beat them, join them!
The science? Is this the same science which says it is a breach of someone's human rights to deny them the gender which they determine themselves to be? And so a convicted male (birth sex) prisoner who self identified as a woman managed to get a transfer to a woman's prison where "she" then raped several other inmates (HMP New Hall)

I'm beginning to consider self-identifying as a teapot, or possibly as a one-legged black Irish lesbian called "Rodney". Either choice makes as much sense as the other, TBH
That's a shocking and depressing story.
I had to look it up, as I wasn't aware of it.
From what I read, the rapes were before the imprisonment, and "both sides" admit that mistakes were made. It's still horrific...
I believe the reality is that most "non-binary" people are probably sad and unhappy, and not predatory. And by far the majority of rapes are committed by people who were born male, and still identify as such. Good news for most people, but bad news for the tabloid press. And FA to do with football ( although they do kiss each other - what's that all about?).
Even the game itself is bad tempered with grown men tripping each other up and trying to get away with it like little kids
I think you could argue that it is the other way round, with little kids trying to get away with it like the grown men they see on TV. Whichever way round though, it is poor conduct.
What about that numpty the other day that had decided he was going to be a non binary Korean, he was as english as you and me so WTF does he have between the ears apart from enough air pressure to keep his ears apart. I suppose at least he did realise he was not a digital being and analogue like everyone else.

Is the female pill having a major impact, it all ends up as urine going down the pan and into the oceans and then back into the water supply, not to mention the effects on fish and other river life. This is also the case for all the other pills being consumed, happy pills and all sorts.

So are we actualy having an impact on evolution.
What about that numpty the other day that had decided he was going to be a non binary Korean, he was as english as you and me so WTF does he have between the ears apart from enough air pressure to keep his ears apart. I suppose at least he did realise he was not a digital being and analogue like everyone else.

Is the female pill having a major impact, it all ends up as urine going down the pan and into the oceans and then back into the water supply, not to mention the effects on fish and other river life. This is also the case for all the other pills being consumed, happy pills and all sorts.

So are we actualy having an impact on evolution.
Yes and the other effect is that human male sperm count has dropped 43% since the pill was brought in, that will definitely have an effect on human evolution! If it carries on it could be a mass extinction event.
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