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    • Yojevol
      Yojevol replied to the thread Is this oak?.
      There are 4 ring porous European species - oak, ash, chestnut and elm. It's not elm which has a certain lustre and irregular grain. It's...
    • Yojevol
      Yojevol replied to the thread Keir Starmer.
      You mean the moas? NZ was the last major land mass to be inhabited by humans - the Maoris from Polynesia.
    • Yojevol
      This evening I watched Any Questions from Pensylvania, yes, with our own Fiona in the chair. Quite enlightening with a lot of diverse...
    • Yojevol
      Yojevol replied to the thread Music suggestions please?.
    • Yojevol
      Yojevol replied to the thread Garage Doors.
      You can pay anything from £600 to £2000 for a single. That would be a cheap diy installation at the bottom end and a professional...
    • Yojevol
      Yojevol replied to the thread Digitise slides.
      Veho is a good brand. There are plenty on the secondhand market. I have one but haven't got far into digitising my collection. It's a...
    • Yojevol
      Yojevol replied to the thread Framed mkdular cabinet.
      It's a bit difficult to understand your methodology from the info provided. I assume from the drawing you are making a cabinet which...
    • Yojevol
      Yojevol replied to the thread Wood id..
      Yes, its yew. Yew can grow in a very haphazard way and can include lots of holes, splits and shakes. If water gets trapped in any of...
    • Yojevol
      Yojevol reacted to woodbloke52's post in the thread Little Box with Like Like.
      A small box using Laburnum 'oyster' veneers, which was very tricky to do and nearly became bandsaw fodder on more than one occasion...
    • Yojevol
      Yojevol replied to the thread Ebonising oak.
      Indian ink if you want it really black
    • Yojevol
      Yojevol replied to the thread Bevel edge/ chamfer edge.
      That's for you to solve
    • Yojevol
      Yojevol replied to the thread Bevel edge/ chamfer edge.
      • 1000002416.jpg
    • Yojevol
      Yojevol replied to the thread Bevel edge/ chamfer edge.
      I suggest you clamp (or screw) the two boards together lengthwise but with the edges offset such that angle between adjacent corners is...
    • Yojevol
      Yojevol reacted to Chris152's post in the thread Gotten with Like Like.
      Brian Bilston, popped up on my FB feed this morning
    • Yojevol
      Yojevol replied to the thread Gotten.
      I/me and sat/sitting are my pet hackle raisers. I also wince at the common error of using 'underestimate' or 'understate' where...
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