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    • Yojevol
      Yojevol reacted to Fergie 307's post in the thread Labour's Employment Rights Bill with Like Like.
      Perhaps you could point out where in my post I have sought to whitewash slavery? Slavery is an issue that has blighted humanity for...
    • Yojevol
      Yojevol replied to the thread Labour's Employment Rights Bill.
      Thanks Fergie, I thought somebody with a bit of sense would express this view more eloquently than I could have. The lives we live today...
    • Yojevol
      Yojevol reacted to Fergie 307's post in the thread Labour's Employment Rights Bill with Like Like.
      Oh Jacob you do love your sweeping generalisations. There were many who could hardly be viewed as reformers who invested vast sums of...
    • Yojevol
      Yojevol reacted to Blackswanwood's post in the thread Labour's Employment Rights Bill with Like Like.
      Come on Brian, there’s no room for balance or common sense in these arguments ;)
    • Yojevol
      Yojevol replied to the thread Labour's Employment Rights Bill.
      Conversely none of that social progres would have been possible without the wealth created by capitalist entrepreneurs many of whom...
    • Yojevol
      Yojevol reacted to Doug71's post in the thread Glue or not to glue with Like Like.
      You can almost tell what the weather is doing by the T&G in my driveway gates, I'm always amazed how much it moves. We have had a nice...
    • Yojevol
      Yojevol replied to the thread Glue or not to glue.
      Thanks, I and the other contributors will, according to the long established principles of panel construction and floor laying using T&G...
    • Yojevol
      Yojevol replied to the thread Glue or not to glue.
      You seem to understand the principles of wood movement but not the role of T&G boarding in dealing with it. The whole point of T&G is to...
    • Yojevol
      Yojevol replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
      Would a government elected by 5 people in 5 be a democracy? I don't think so. So, what would be an acceptably democratic proportion, 2...
    • Yojevol
      I certainly remember them having been to 17 or 18 over the years of its existence; easy for me being a local. I was able to attend on...
    • Yojevol
      Yojevol replied to the thread Am I really that out of touch?.
      Looks like a scam and a very amateurish one at that. Try upping the number to be purchased; the price stays the same. SDS London doesn’t...
    • Yojevol
      Yojevol replied to the thread Wood ID help please.
      I think it's oak. The colour is not right for ash which would be lighter. I'd say oak but not necessarily quercus robur. Is this from...
    • Yojevol
      Are you referring to boiler circulating pressure or domestic water mains pressure? Sounds like you're referring to the latter. Loads...
    • Yojevol
      Yojevol replied to the thread Statins and statistics.
      You can calculate your risk of heart disease using the QRISK2 algorithm but you need all the relevant data to feed into it. I did this a...
    • Yojevol
      I bought this one new about 18 months ago and have been quite pleased with it. I mounted it on retractable castors for ease of movement...
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