extrapolation, jacob. Someone who gets titillations out of saying the same thing over and over to the same group is bordering on an oppositional disorder. Especially when they fail to see anything else other than what they're promoting.
Or my real label - one that got me sent to "time out" in jr high (1 hour of suspension and no class credit). Instigating.
Everyone disagrees with me. You haven't provided any legitimate challenge to anything I've looked at. There are professional furniture makers who have (their view is often that the opportunity to use hand tools in paying work that actually has to put food on the table is limited and back and forth. For example, surface planing, etc, gives way to heavy duty sanding regimens because most customers just don't care at all.
As far as your assertions about what saves time and what doesn't in sharpening, you just don't know what you're talking about because of lack of experience. But knowing little makes it easy to be sure that I'm wrong about that looking through your lens. It's my wheelhouse. The difference between you and me is I don't talk about making bannisters, rails, etc, because I've made a couple but I'll leave talking about what should be to people who have made 300.
I try to focus on competence. Sometimes that makes someone not so bold outside of their wheelhouse (I'm not). We recently had a professional lecture in my area of practice (White collar) where we're very technical and the consequences of being wrong are high. The paid speaker obviously lives in a world that's not like this, because she kept saying over and over, "confidence beats competence every time". I think she's lacking exposure to a world that isn't sales related where poor work doesn't lose a sale, it gets you sued. But your insistence on specific things that would be far better with not much modification reminds me of that speech.