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    • deema
      deema reacted to Bingy man's post in the thread Skirting issues help with Wow Wow.
      A few years ago I was doing a kitchen for a good friend , I had the mitre saw set up on the patio and I was cutting the pelmets . Ran...
    • deema
      deema reacted to mwinfrance's post in the thread Skirting issues help with Thanks Thanks.
      3M do / did a sandable flexible body filler..I have an old tube in the outside atelier ( dark for looking for it here ATM to give you...
    • deema
      deema reacted to Spectric's post in the thread Skirting issues help with Like Like.
      Before doing a repair are things still moving, a year should allow everything to dry and settle so is this movement down to settling or...
    • deema
      deema replied to the thread Skirting issues help.
      The skirting joints joints are mitred / scarfed. The house is dry, no leaks, no damp, no adverse humidity. The MRMDF was bought pre...
    • deema
      deema reacted to Bingy man's post in the thread Skirting issues help with Like Like.
      Last time I saw that mark I had fitted new skirts and ran out - I found an off cut that had been outside in the rain but most of it was...
    • deema
      deema reacted to JSW's post in the thread Skirting issues help with Like Like.
      Certainly looks to have blown the face of the MDF, slight bulging to the top of the moulding also. If the joint ends weren't sealed...
    • deema
      deema reacted to Howie65's post in the thread Skirting issues help with Like Like.
      Hi, You need to use a filler that isn't water based, something like Ronseal(green tin) that is a resin type like car body filler, with...
    • deema
      deema reacted to Blackswanwood's post in the thread Skirting issues help with Like Like.
      If I’ve understood correctly you have tried a caulk fix on the skirting but it’s then shrunk again. It must reach a point where it...
    • deema
      deema reacted to Ollie78's post in the thread Skirting issues help with Like Like.
      Those painters should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves. There is one filler I like for this sort of thing called toupret tx 110. It...
    • deema
      I’m hoping that someone has a cunning solution to a problem I have. Just over a year ago, I remodelled a house I had bought, as part of...
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    • deema
      There are only three things basically to cause the blade to wander. First is the gullets are not large enough to take the sawdust and...
    • deema
      deema reacted to cmoops2's post in the thread Brass cutting rings with Like Like.
      As a (now retired) LPG operative, cutting rings and associated steel fittings are only used on steel / stainless steel pipe. Joints for...
    • deema
      deema replied to the thread Parcels to USA.
      I used to run two factories in China, one on Beijing and the other Nanjing. I think I had a really good insight into China. I’d suggest...
    • deema
      deema replied to the thread Parcels to USA.
      @TRITON social services are provided by the local council not by central government. Local councils have underspent on social care for...
    • deema
      One of the first jobs to be done in our new abode was to do something about the 17 year old MI5 kitchen & utility room doors and drawer...
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