Water (and other things) Divining


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5 Jan 2017
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lincolnshire Wolds
I have brought this over from another thread in case anyone is interested in the arcane mysteries of Divining.
Nobody really knows but it’s suspected in our long distant past we could use this sense to detect all sorts of things in our daily life much as we do with sight and smell, probably for finding underground foodstuffs and safe drinking water, and that since then it has fallen into disuse. I believe in it from personal experience, but as soon as you try to prove it works your brain shuts off the ability- very strange indeed and frustrating.
I went on a one day course once to learn how to do it and it was "literally stunning", the two guys were, as I’ve since found out, the leading experts in the UK and I bought their fascinating book, since lent and lost! It seems that virtually everybody has the ability to Divine but some have it more than others.
The equipment needed is very simple, some use a Y shaped hazel twig but I use two Bic pen tubes each with an L shaped bit of metal wire, the short ends drop into the tubes and the longer bits (about 15” ) you have sticking out in front of you. Think about what you are trying to find, say your water supply, as you walk across it’s path the rods that were parallel swing towards each other and may cross, the pipe will be under your feet not the rods.
You have to concentrate on what it is you’re trying to find, this can be helped by having a sample in the palm of one hand as you detect, we were told that a lot of what we find isn’t still in the ground in a physical form but the chemical elements are still there to be detected.
About eight of us novices were sent out on our own with our rods and little flags to see what we could find in a field in Sussex and fairly soon a perfect circle of flags showed the post holes from a round house, wood ash in the centre, two lines of fragments of bronze from the wheel rims of carts, with reindeer droppings in a straight line between them – no I hadn’t realised that they used reindeer instead of horses in the bronze age either, on both sides of the bronze tracks we detected the run off from thatch on buildings and elsewhere an underground stream, the banked lane leading past the site was we were later told, from the period.
Once whatever you’re looking for has been detected it’s possible to then try again with the thought in your mind of how deep is it? and as you walk away from the source, the distance moved before the rods cross is how deep the item is.
It isn’t an exact science and confusing misinformation can send you off in the wrong direction sometimes.
It’s also possible to find objects by detecting the direction that the object is in and then doing it again from a different direction and where the lines cross is where the object is, though I haven’t done this.
I’m told it’s possible to divine over huge distances by using a map of the area where are you are trying to find something but I’ve never tried it, - stories of finding missing people.
I still have my rods and used them not so long ago to find the exact line taken by the water supply to my house.
Btw it isn’t the rods picking up whatever it is, it’s you, the rods are only there for your brain to move your hands slightly which makes the rods move.
When I was about ten it was common to go dowsing with two bits of bent wire in emptied out biro stems. We all got reactions from various things, but being ten no one had the enthusiasm to dig up whatever it might be to find out what it was that caused the reaction. Making your own entertainment can only be taken so far.

My local dowsers use a piece of stiff wire or welding rod - about 3 feet long - which is held out horizontally in front of the dowser, and it bounces up and down if water is detected the bigger the bounce, the more water is available. Water being a) a scarce resource and b) not very easy to find in an semi - arid climate, dowsers are much respected and always believed. Boreholes here tend to be anything from 70 to 120 metres deep, therefore expensive, so a dowser is always consulted. (My personal opinion is that we are 3km from the sea and 70 metres gets you below sea level - finding water there is hardly a surprise).

There are scientific studies which suggest that dowsing is no less successful than just randomly drilling in places that look right topologically, so who knows? What I can say is that I really, really need/want to be able to dowse accurately for water, but I seem not to have the skill. Oh well. Perhaps I should try again with the pen and coat hanger method.

As an aside, one of our dowsers once told me that some people who can't dowse, can do it if a real dowser puts a hand on their shoulder. It didn't work for me :cry:
When I was about ten it was common to go dowsing with two bits of bent wire in emptied out biro stems. We all got reactions from various things, but being ten no one had the enthusiasm to dig up whatever it might be to find out what it was that caused the reaction. Making your own entertainment can only be taken so far.

My local dowsers use a piece of stiff wire or welding rod - about 3 feet long - which is held out horizontally in front of the dowser, and it bounces up and down if water is detected the bigger the bounce, the more water is available. Water being a) a scarce resource and b) not very easy to find in an semi - arid climate, dowsers are much respected and always believed. Boreholes here tend to be anything from 70 to 120 metres deep, therefore expensive, so a dowser is always consulted. (My personal opinion is that we are 3km from the sea and 70 metres gets you below sea level - finding water there is hardly a surprise).

There are scientific studies which suggest that dowsing is no less successful than just randomly drilling in places that look right topologically, so who knows? What I can say is that I really, really need/want to be able to dowse accurately for water, but I seem not to have the skill. Oh well. Perhaps I should try again with the pen and coat hanger method.

As an aside, one of our dowsers once told me that some people who can't dowse, can do it if a real dowser puts a hand on their shoulder. It didn't work for me :cry:
Might be that you don’t believe in your ability to do it, somebody on the other thread mentioned that you might do a lot better after a few drinks! Any excuse lol. Start with something that you know is there like an electric cable.
Might be that you don’t believe in your ability to do it, somebody on the other thread mentioned that you might do a lot better after a few drinks! Any excuse lol. Start with something that you know is there like an electric cable.

But if you know its there won`t your mind "make " it work. To test surely you have to not know its there ?
I am going to try it to find my missing drain, if I can`t do it i will get my kids to try maybe their brains should be less jaded and cynical than mine.

the two guys were, as I’ve since found out, the leading experts in the UK and I bought their fascinating book, since lent and lost!

I had a good laugh at that one, I think we all know a few folks like that.
At least that person has lesser chance of borrowing your tools now.
Seen it done twice, both failed. Even though they reckoned it never failed.
My Father in law dowses, which was just one more piece of evidence that it all fell out of the back end of a male bovine. Until when working on my drive way I wanted to know where an electric cable ran. He tried to dowse for it (we knew where it left the house and ended at the gate posts) but got confused just at the point we wanted to know about. He persuaded me to try, I don't believe (still don't) got the same result headed around in a big circle about half way along, went around 3 times then off to the gate posts. Gave up and dug along the cable very carefully to the point we got confused and unearthed 3 large coils in the cable about 3m diameter. talking to the builder they connected the lights before they laid the drive and wanted to keep it out of the way so made it long. I still don't want to believe, know the "power" disappears in scientific studies but still walked 3 circles while saying "see it's all rubbish". It's very strange and I don't like it!
If anyone can do it, it'd qualify for the James Randi Foundation million dollar challenge.

As far as I know the prize remains unclaimed.
My Father in law dowses, which was just one more piece of evidence that it all fell out of the back end of a male bovine. Until when working on my drive way I wanted to know where an electric cable ran. He tried to dowse for it (we knew where it left the house and ended at the gate posts) but got confused just at the point we wanted to know about. He persuaded me to try, I don't believe (still don't) got the same result headed around in a big circle about half way along, went around 3 times then off to the gate posts. Gave up and dug along the cable very carefully to the point we got confused and unearthed 3 large coils in the cable about 3m diameter. talking to the builder they connected the lights before they laid the drive and wanted to keep it out of the way so made it long. I still don't want to believe, know the "power" disappears in scientific studies but still walked 3 circles while saying "see it's all rubbish". It's very strange and I don't like it!
Obviously a natural! I think you ought to get your own set and "not like it" a bit more.
That was a strange one.
My Father in law dowses, which was just one more piece of evidence that it all fell out of the back end of a male bovine. Until when working on my drive way I wanted to know where an electric cable ran. He tried to dowse for it (we knew where it left the house and ended at the gate posts) but got confused just at the point we wanted to know about. He persuaded me to try, I don't believe (still don't) got the same result headed around in a big circle about half way along, went around 3 times then off to the gate posts. Gave up and dug along the cable very carefully to the point we got confused and unearthed 3 large coils in the cable about 3m diameter. talking to the builder they connected the lights before they laid the drive and wanted to keep it out of the way so made it long. I still don't want to believe, know the "power" disappears in scientific studies but still walked 3 circles while saying "see it's all rubbish". It's very strange and I don't like it!

So not only can he pick up electrical flow but he can separate 3 coils on top of each other. Seriously someone with this ability should be a stage show or a high salary employee of an electric company or water company. Why doesn't he claim the Randi paranormal prize, seriously it's a million dollars, would be easy for him.
To be honest it really creeped me out. Many people have tried to claim the Randi prize and it's still not claimed, like I said I don't believe it's anything paranormal just one of those weird things beyond my ken
To be honest it really creeped me out. Many people have tried to claim the Randi prize and it's still not claimed, like I said I don't believe it's anything paranormal just one of those weird things beyond my ken
I know how you felt, after that days course of revelations I had a long drive home and it just kept going round and round in my mind, yes I think it is just one of those weird things that we can’t explain yet, and to compound the problem as soon as you try and test it, it doesn’t work as many people have found.
All very interesting. I'm going to try it tomorrow, but with a less skeptical mind, if possible The Randi challenge stopped in 2015. Randi retired and his foundation now hands out grants to people wanting to find drains in their drive.
In my youth I was often abducted by aliens, usually happened on a Friday or Saturday night, I'd be down the pub having a great time, next thing I'd be waking up in ................. (fill in the blank) on Sunday morning, goodness knows why they had to dung down my throat, extract every drop of moisture from my body and shrink my brain till it rattled.
I have brought this over from another thread in case anyone is interested in the arcane mysteries of Divining.
Nobody really knows but it’s suspected in our long distant past we could use this sense to detect all sorts of things in our daily life much as we do with sight and smell, probably for finding underground foodstuffs and safe drinking water, and that since then it has fallen into disuse. I believe in it from personal experience, but as soon as you try to prove it works your brain shuts off the ability- very strange indeed and frustrating.
I went on a one day course once to learn how to do it and it was "literally stunning", the two guys were, as I’ve since found out, the leading experts in the UK and I bought their fascinating book, since lent and lost! ou, the rods are only there for your brain to move your hands slightly which makes the rods move.
Can you remember the title / author of the book please?
My brother and his neighbours live in a remote area. Their water supply dried up. As a last resort and rather than paying the local authority a substantial fee, they tried a water diviner. They paid a small fee but also transportation costs.
The person who arrived was also a geologist and fairly (excuse the pun) down to earth.
He immediately identified where the old underground broken pipes were and two new spots. One of which now hosts a new well. Personally I think his knowledge of geology must have come into play, but if it works, it works.
In a world of Newtonian physics it's clearly impossible. In a world of quantum physics everything is possible, but with vary degrees of possibility. But my mind rails against the idea of finding things that aren't clearly physical phenomena (so water flows and electricity seem most plausible) and dowsing a map, to me, approches the infinitely improbable (a worderful concept Douglas Adams😁).

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