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Ed Weber
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    • Ed Weber
      Ed Weber replied to the thread No Dig Footer.
      I got curious and knew that all this convenience came at a price. So I located their website, Then found...
    • Ed Weber
      Ed Weber replied to the thread No Dig Footer.
      There are certainly application for these little things but we'll have to wait and see. Every area seems to have it's own building codes...
    • Ed Weber
      Ed Weber replied to the thread Timber framing engineering.
      From the website I linked to, there is a free pdf document (plan catalog) full of plans. The plan on page 14...
    • Ed Weber
      Ed Weber replied to the thread No Dig Footer.
      This strikes me as another one of those things. Who would have ever thought about driving a stake in the ground to keep things in...
    • Ed Weber
      Ed Weber replied to the thread Glue or not to glue.
      I still don't understand what your sticking point is about T&G. What if it was just a wide (glued together) flat panel? Would that make...
    • Ed Weber
      Ed Weber replied to the thread Glue or not to glue.
      I had also made a matching planter with similar construction, is this okay? I did glue those three together, did I break a rule? please...
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    • Ed Weber
      Ed Weber replied to the thread Glue or not to glue.
      So when the piece in the center needs to expand, it has to push both sides 500mm? Why would it catch? Why would it split? There is...
    • Ed Weber
      Ed Weber replied to the thread Glue or not to glue.
      Let me be perfectly clear the T&G boards are glued to each other NOT the frame. It's nothing more than a large floating panel, no...
    • Ed Weber
      Ed Weber replied to the thread Joe Biden drops out.
      Well, since I'm not 100 years old and a diplomat attached to the UN, how on earth would I know why our grandfathers and great...
    • Ed Weber
      Ed Weber replied to the thread Glue or not to glue.
      I've glued large panels of T&G without any issue what so ever. If you really understand wood movement then you should understand that...
      • img_5014 (600 x 450).jpg
    • Ed Weber
      Ed Weber replied to the thread Glue or not to glue.
      Making a solid panel will make the entire structure stiffer. There are many ways to approach this. Also, you need the same amount of...
    • Ed Weber
      Ed Weber replied to the thread Timber framing engineering.
      I would check out The Shelter Institute and Timber Frame HQ...
    • Ed Weber
      Ed Weber replied to the thread Joe Biden drops out.
      So, what is the solution?
    • Ed Weber
      Ed Weber reacted to paulrbarnard's post in the thread Joe Biden drops out with Like Like.
      In this context I’d say sanctimonious…
    • Ed Weber
      It's not yelling at clouds or bemoaning people you think are wrong, that's not the point at all. It's people that are perpetuating bad...
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