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      Cozzer replied to the thread Joke Thread 4.
      Balls, Stu. Mrs.Balls.....
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      Cozzer replied to the thread Joke Thread 4.
      Made me smile, this... I seem to remember that it was the HP Sauce bottle in my case!
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      Cozzer reacted to John Brown's post in the thread Joke Thread 4 with Like Like.
      Natural stupidity seems like a strange thing to boast about. Americans and religion are a dangerous combination.
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      Cozzer reacted to RobNichols's post in the thread A comedy great dies. with Like Like.
      His humour was so clever and human. It seems another great from my youth has moved on. I guess we're lucky to be one of the first...
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      Cozzer replied to the thread A comedy great dies..
      Old enough to remember his driving instructor and tobacco you say, timing and delivery perfect. Even liked his Professor...
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      Cozzer reacted to flying haggis's post in the thread Joke Thread 4 with Haha Haha.
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      Cozzer replied to the thread Joke Thread 4.
      Oooo, Stuart....controversial! I can see the headlines now... "International Incident Declared in Hereforshire!" (Have to admit that I...
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      Cozzer reacted to stuart little's post in the thread Joke Thread 4 with Haha Haha.
      Sorry to disagree, by tradition that's an Italian one. :ROFLMAO:
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      Cozzer reacted to MikeJhn's post in the thread Joke Thread 4 with Haha Haha.
      It shows a gas hob, will it work with a ceramic hob. 🤔
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      Cozzer replied to the thread Joke Thread 4.
      For the many friends - nay! Admirers! - of one Mr.Little's observations, answers please, on a plain postcard, to..... ;)
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      Cozzer replied to the thread F22s again....
      Someone bought me a Canon PowerShot (?) something-or-other years ago, and I used it maybe 10 times in as many years! It could be in a...
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      Cozzer replied to the thread F22s again....
      Well, Sunday's been and gone, as did the plumber, spot on time. He's not a big fan of dogs getting under his feet - especially a 9 month...
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      Cozzer replied to the thread F22s again....
      Do I notice a little bit of "attitude" creeping in on some of these posts?! There seems to be an assumption that plumber boy hasn't done...
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      Cozzer replied to the thread F22s again....
      I've no doubt that the quality advice received from you and others is just that - quality - but as I've mentioned before, I know zilch...
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      Cozzer replied to the thread F22s again....
      The plumber calleth. Two months overdue, and without any prior warning, he turned up at teatime. Showed him the records, 12 episodes of...
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