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      I have to admit to being pretty bad at sharpening drill bits, the problem being that I don't do it enough to gain the skill. I've looked...
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      I was about to ask for assistance with a small difficulty that's been bugging me for years but as I began typing I suddenly realised...
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      Kittyhawk replied to the thread Joke Thread 4.
      Talking with the child bride about the ongoing debacle with Boeing and mentioning the fact that the astronauts 10 day mission to the ISS...
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      Kittyhawk replied to the thread THE FOURTH OF JULY.
      Elections tend to be a bit of a fractious time and I hope that for you all, your hopes and expectations are met. Here in NZ we have MMP...
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      Kittyhawk replied to the thread THE FOURTH OF JULY.
      Sadly true. When I first joined the ambulance service all our stretchers were manual. When I retired the majority were power lifters. A...
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      Kittyhawk replied to the thread THE FOURTH OF JULY.
      It is so hard to understand why people just will not take care of themselves. I don't remember the figures now but the number of failing...
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      Kittyhawk reacted to Yorkieguy's post in the thread THE FOURTH OF JULY with Like Like.
      The point I was trying to make, which seems to have been lost, is that its the public (us), that through unhealthy lifestyles, and...
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      Kittyhawk replied to the thread Joke Thread 4.
      And after 50 years of marriage we are still as besotted with each other as we were on the day we wed. I know on which side of the ledger...
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      Kittyhawk replied to the thread Vehicle batteries.
      I can't verify it but a trawlerman pal told me a similar story. Being weather bound in a remote anchorage, one of the boats got a flat...
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      Kittyhawk replied to the thread Vehicle batteries.
      Yes - same vehicle. I have a nice little 3 stage easily portable charger. The problem was that the two start batteries required a...
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      Kittyhawk reacted to Tris's post in the thread A nothing job with Like Like.
      Love those sort of jobs, but always reminds me of the old Barclaycard adverts: Lathe- £2500, pillar drill- £950, soldering station-...
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      Kittyhawk replied to the thread A nothing job.
      True, but with the amount of idle time the vehicle has, I need the option to attach a charger now and then.
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      I recently posted about the cranking battery in my truck. The battery is maintenance-free, housed in a metal box and access requires the...
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      Kittyhawk replied to the thread Vehicle batteries.
      Something I should clarify. In my 60's the child bride pointed out that I was bored in my retirement and that I should find something...
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      Kittyhawk replied to the thread Vehicle batteries.
      Exactly so. I understand what the designers are trying to achieve with this dual battery setup - having a dedicated cranking battery...
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