Is this the beginning of senility?

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No mate.
It's not."

Chris, we really need to meet, to chew the celluloid fat, preferably over a good, healthy, rough, red ...or two. I accept your counter, and propose instead: "Blade Runner, the Director's cut", "A room with a view", "The thin Red Line" or, if you are feeling whimsical, "The Guard". You can blame the last one on the 6.25% of my genome that is Irish...


SammyQ":2snwux9d said:
No mate.
It's not."

Chris, we really need to meet, to chew the celluloid fat, preferably over a good, healthy, rough, red ...or two. I accept your counter, and propose instead: "Blade Runner, the Director's cut", "A room with a view", "The thin Red Line" or, if you are feeling whimsical, "The Guard". You can blame the last one on the 6.25% of my genome that is Irish...



Blade runner, the directors cut. Also known as the most excruciatingly dull opening sequence known to cinematic history. "It has a very soporific effect".

And I am a big Phillip K Dick fan.
That would work":25u3b3y6 said:
What always worries me is how much time I spend looking for a tool that I was using a few seconds before?
Combined with the underpant problem, that could be a prostate issue.