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      trvlr replied to the thread Workshop inside roof.
      I would leave it as it is; unless the aesthetics are important to you. As is the reflective surface (albeit slightly so) will also...
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      trvlr replied to the thread Laptop "repair"?!.
      To date - as a user of "only" Crucial SSD - some replacing traditional HD - happy to say that all of them after many years of use are...
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      I've generally found 16amp tolerances can be a part in many plug/socket matings... Cheapies are likely the worst... And if you have say...
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      look... it's obvious that the earth is flat... when you view it from sea level... Ii only appears to be round 'cos as people reach the...
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      trvlr reacted to ChaiLatte's post in the thread Fixing insulated plasterboard on roof. with Like Like.
      Kingspan have a well-staffed and knowledgable technical department who would be glad to advise you if you call them. They will also...
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      trvlr replied to the thread The things you find out.....
      I was referring the post WW2 days - mid-40s into mid/late 50s. No idea if boots were still made from real leather thereafter or not...
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      trvlr replied to the thread Coaxial cable connectors for TV.
      good quality cable often has a more generous copper sheathing sometimes even two layers...) and a more substantial inner/single core...
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      If the two lamps are being driven by the same voltage o/p from the driver /power module, i.e. they don't each have their own driver...
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      Some led bulbs may not as reliable as others and the on board electronics possibly more prone to either total failure; or at least...
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      I seem to recall reading "somewhere... out there Skully" that led bulbs have a much shorter life if frequently switched on/off (as per...
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      trvlr replied to the thread Coaxial cable connectors for TV.
      a wee tip... "don't buy cheap connectors, nor cheap ready made cables. The loss with the latter can sometimes be "quite noticeable" when...
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      trvlr replied to the thread The things you find out.....
      It doesn't hurt to apply Dubbin to shoes (boots especially if for use in winter or wet environment); but first polish them. Makes them...
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      I have two stove top fans and find they do make quite a difference in dispersing the heat..
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      trvlr replied to the thread OSB or Ply?.
      Agree the hardboard as single sheet coverage over the boards would give a very smooth surface and obviate the need for anything to cover...
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      trvlr replied to the thread OSB or Ply?.
      If you go for either osb or ply of whatever whatever thickness... brace it underneath with something like 2x2 - preferably 3x2. Chopping...
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