Lifting heavy Planer/Thicknesser up 3 flights of stairs

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Established Member
9 Sep 2017
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I've had it in my mind that I would like to upgrade my planer/thicknersser setup for a while now.

The jet Jpt combo series is one of I've had my eye on for a bit.

Firstly the jet jpt260.

In terms of planing capacity it offers exactly the same as my old electra Beckum hc260 although I imagine it is far more accurate and less faffy switching between modes.

For the extra 400 euro it may make more sense to get the bigger brother the jet jpt310.
Now my concern is the weight of both models specifically the jet jpt 310

I find myself in the unusual position of having a workshop on a 3rd floor. The stairways themselves are fairly wide and since there are 6 of us sharing this space I am not short of extra muscle power, however I wonder how four people would find a suitable holding point.

I thought perhaps of sliding a couple of pieces of hardwood under the base and we could try to lift it chariot style. The 170kg seems doable but the jet 310 has me even more worried coming in at whopping weight of 230kg.

I understand the tables could be taken off dropping the weight although having spent the past weeks trying fettle and bring my old EB p/t back to decent performance I would rather leave everything factory set.

Both machines are really appealing to me and would mark a step of getting a bit more serious.

usually the planing capacity of the 260 suits me just fine but occasionally I get orders on etsy for nightstands where milled lumber of 300mm is needed and in the past I would flatten my glueups at a workshop down the road so having the extra width would obviously be nice aswell as longer planing tables.

Intially I’ve been holding out on this purchase as we have been searching for a new ground floor space for a while but in a city with quickly rising rents and demand for space this is taking longer and proving harder then we thought.

on the cheaper alternative I have looked at the dewalt dw733 thicknesser which seems to have good reviews and over 300 mm planing capacity so I could use that in conjunction with the jointer on my electra Beckum (although this is not ideal)

intially I thought this was not a bad idea as I could then upgrade to a standalone jointer later on but weirdly in my search I couldn’t find any standalone jointers in Europe that aren’t doubled up as planer/thicknesser within this price range anyway.

Basically I would love to know the forums thoughts and experience on lugging heavy machinery like this upstairs.

It it mad or should I keep things fairly lightweight with a lunchbox thicknesser until I find a ground floor space.
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I'd work on the basis that you're going to have to fettle it from the factory anyway, so don't get anyone crushed and just take it up in bits.
It’s the poor begger underneath when it goes through the floor that I’m worried about, let’s hope it’s a very old building with huge joists, also what about the noise and vibration?
My first real workshop was on the first floor but I didn’t have any really heavy stuff back in those days, I remember two of us taking a large band saw up the stairs it was a nightmare, I had bruises for weeks. There wasn’t anybody to disturb on the ground floor whilst we were working in the evenings. Ian
It’s the poor begger underneath when it goes through the floor that I’m worried about
That was my first thought too, maybe he is in an old factory or mill or something.

I suggest taking the tables off and making a sort of fitted cradle, chariot style as you suggest. 4 people should do it.
That piano machine looks fun though.

Have you considered the Hammer planer thicknessers from Felder. I bought one recently ( a3 -31) and it seems good so far, though not had much time to play with it.
I only mention it because I was considering the Jet you mention but went with Hammer with the silent power cutter head. For similar money it is a nice machine, also you are closer to Austria than me so might get it cheaper there.

Thanks all for your reply. yes the building is an old industrial factory converted in to artists studios and the floors our plenty solid. we already have a big jet sliding table saw up there but this was taken up in parts.

@galleywood thanks for the tip on the piano movers, I wouldn't of thought of that and those guys probably make light work of shifting heavy loads.

Will do a bit of research on the hammer planer thicknesser thanks @Ollie78
think your right with your suggestion of taking the tables of and 4 people taking the machine up.
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230kg is only 2 rugby players. Not a weight I'd be worried about from a "dropping through the floor" perspective. Landing on me as I'm carrying him up the stairs on the other hand is an different matter!
If it fits 230kg between 4 isn't that bad, even if you have to stop every few steps. I'd be more worried about access width than weight... I'd you bind up halfway it'll be dull.

Any moving company will price it for you, or event local crew. They're cheap...
One person lifting 60kg off the ground is not a problem but getting it to any height is tricky. I usually sling ropes underneath things so you only need to lift it a few mm. Stairs will be fun for the boys at the lower end - you may want to have some arrangement for it not sliding all the way back down.

Can you winch it up the stair well? Take it up the outside of the building and through a window? Plan b would be to hire a stair climber: as a random example.
I'm glad u dont live near me......
we bought our place 1/2km away from our nearest neighbour......

Personally I'd wait till you get a better place.....then buy just what you want.....
Hmm! I don't have much space but it's all one level; although a garage floor is usually laid with a run-off slope!. As for noise my wife once told me she could hear the Sedgwick planer as soon as she left Asda and waited at the bus stop. 1/4 to 1/2 mile away. Never had complaints though; probably 'coz everyone else was at work!

haha a good idea, noise isn't really a concern. various machines are running there throughout the day without a sensitive neighbour close by.

I know what you mean about waiting but I can't see us finding anything anytime soon and I'm due a new machine so wondering if this is possible with a few of us lifting.

the smaller one 170kg machine seems defiantly do-able with 4-5 people especially if the tables come off.

we do have big windows that open up wide so the winch could defiantly be an option I just wonder what the cost off that sort operation would be. stairclimber also a good shout
230kg? That's pretty much a quarter of a tonne. Drop that on someone part way up a flight of stairs, and at best they're in hospital. At worst ... don't even go there. Machines rarely have comfortable and convenient carrying handles, so an accidental slip part way up is a real possibility.

Unless there's a goods lift rated to more than 250kg in the building, wiser to either forget it, or carry it up piece by piece.
Having used a hand winch to pull a ~300kg planer from the back of a Luton van (parked on a drive that was sloping away from the opening), then getting it onto the tail lift, and off and into a workshop across a flat floor, I'd be very, very nervous of trying to get anything of that sort of weight up several flights of stairs.

Dismantling it and taking it up in bits might be an option, but I assume there'll be at least one major casting/body part that'll be a handful.
I think a number of repliers have made assumptions about UK flats, which are built far more flimsily than in central Europe. I used to have a flat on the third floor in Prague, in a 1910 building that was built like a fortress. Floors were concrete covered with sand and then parquet. Amazingly solid and soundproof. I didn't have a workshop up there but could easily have. And I was amazed by the strength and professionalism of the furniture movers in a city where lots of stairs were common. I would certainly engage them rather than your mates (and they'd be insured). Either machine movers or piano movers.

I contrast, when I had a second-floor flat in Warwick when we moved here, I didn't dare use anything but hand tools!

I would also strip off at least the tables. As Torx said, you won't trust the settings after a big move like that anyway. And iff anything does go wrong, they are very vulnerable in any kind of drop. A big planer with a broken casting isn't much use.
I picked the house I bought on the simple criteria that it needed to be ground floor. Saw bench is 100kg, the planer/thicknesser the same(Axminster/RP. The flat even has disabled entry so its a slope ideal for wheeling in machinery.

3 floors :oops: Holy Crow, dont envy you there.
thanks for your thoughts guys. I think this has given me the feeling that getting the larger one is too risky in terms of hurting someone and damaging an exspensive new machine.

At this point I'm debating wether the jpt260 that weighs in at 170kg is possible (more sane) with the tables off
Or just leave it for the moment and perhaps grab the dewalt dw733 lunchbox thicknesser until I'm in a ground floor space and can upgrade.

@TRITON haha yes it's not ideal although offers great views of the city. 5/6 years ago originally it was a art sculpture studio space and don't think the guys there originally planned a workshop but at some point starting getting fabrication jobs for photo shoots and machines started to arrive. It is pretty well equipt and already has some really heavy bits but not a patch on this planers weight. Bringing up sheet goods and lengths of hardwood is a real backbreaker and you would be amazed what comes out of there in terms of size.
We're all fairly young so can manage the situation a bit longer but yeah not desirable really
sorry for the confusion here folks. @galleywood just pointed out to me that I was posting from two accounts. seems I was logged in to an old account(that I forgot I created) on my iPad without knowing it. I will deactivate the above account and continue using this one
Are you anywhere near a farm / building site?

A JCB tele handlers could deliver it your window for a crate or two if beer?

Just a thought.

Cheers James

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