I'm a cyclist.


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Nobody says it never happens!
But that photo looks somewhat unbelievable - the amount of force to bend the bumper and dent the boot would need a cyclist fired out of a cannon! He'd be splattered there stuck firmly on, very dead.
Do they use the UK Highway Code in Italy?
I've no idea John
Not sure what a Colombian cyclist who had a horrific accident while TT training in Colombia has to do with the Italian equivalent of the UK highway code.

Nobody says it never happens!
Perhaps then Jacob you should have stated such in your original post, rather than an adamant refusal to believe it were possible.
Cyclist who did that to the bus is called Egan Bernal, who is a professional cyclist and former Tour De France winner. He is recovering in Hospital.
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Perhaps then Jacob you should have stated such in your original post, rather than an adamant refusal to believe it were possible.
But I didn't say that in my original post.
I'm amazed that he survived - which is to the point really, cyclists can't risk causing damage because they are very likely to get the worst of it. Bus gets a dent, cyclist luckily escapes with near-death life-changing experience.
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Why? In my opinion he's making sense. As far as I can see, the new Highway Code is just formalising what most responsible motorists already do automatically, i.e., try not to run down pedestrians or cyclists. Sail before steam.
I really don't see why people are so angry about it.

I don't necessarily agree with everything Jacob says, but on the other hand I don't necessarily disagree with everything he says either. Both strategies seem strangely pointless to me.
You seem to think I'm talking about bike content, I'm not, I quoted Jacob talking about chips on shoulder and saying they had problem childhoods.
Not sure what you mean by your strategies of agreeing and disagreeing with Jacob being pointless are. That's down to you.
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I've no idea John
Not sure what a Colombian cyclist who had a horrific accident while TT training in Colombia has to do with the Italian equivalent of the UK highway code.

Perhaps then Jacob you should have stated such in your original post, rather than an adamant refusal to believe it were possible.
Cyclist who did that to the bus is called Egan Bernal, who is a professional cyclist and former Tour De France winner. He is recovering in Hospital.
I'm not quite sure what any of this has to do with the original thread. And I think it's telling that you had to find a picture of a professional cyclist in Columbia to illustrate your point
I'm not quite sure what any of this has to do with the original thread. And I think it's telling that you had to find a picture of a professional cyclist in Columbia to illustrate your point
Not sure what replying to jacob about his reply to Lons to illustrate that cyclists can and do cause damage to cars in an accident wouldnt be relevant.
Besides this is the topic of this thread and it has been since page one.
And as to finding a pic. I'm on 3 cycling forums, have been for the past 15 years, on them ive probably a total of 40,000 posts, so i didnt need to go find something, we've been discussing it on these forums since the accident happened.

I've been riding near daily for 30 years. And even the lowest estimate would put me on 3000 miles per year, for those 30 years, so you could say I've near 100,000 miles under my belt as a long term cyclist. Think that gives me a bit of expertise when it comes to everything connected to 2 wheels.

Are you upset because you thought this had something to do with Italy, and when pointed out it was in fact Colombian are now having a bit of a tizzy.
I thought tantrums were something only kids did.
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Fortunately our legal system - libel and slander aside - requires the complainant to prove the claim, not the defendant to disprove it.
It would be nice to believe that is so Sporky but it's not applicable in most cases where the drivers' insurance company will just pay up if they couldn't easily prove it wasn't the drivers fault. The main reasons for that i.e. they can't claim knock for knock as very few cyclists have insurance and it's usually far cheaper to pay reasonable claims. These very rarely reach the courts unless it's very likely to get a conviction for fraud.
I stick by my original point that 3rd party insurance cover should be compulsory and as a cyclist I personally would be happy to pay it.;
Not sure what replying to jacob about his reply to Lons to illustrate that cyclists can and do cause damage to cars in an accident wouldnt be relevant.
Besides this is the topic of this thread and it has been since page one.
And as to finding a pic. I'm on 3 cycling forums, have been for the past 15 years, on them ive probably a total of 40,000 posts, so i didnt need to go find something, we've been discussing it on these forums since the accident happened.

I've been riding near daily for 30 years. And even the lowest estimate would put me on 3000 miles per year, for those 30 years, so you could say I've near 100,000 miles under my belt as a long term cyclist. Think that gives me a bit of expertise when it comes to everything connected to 2 wheels.

Are you upset because you thought this had something to do with Italy, and when pointed out it was in fact Colombian are now having a bit of a tizzy.
I thought tantrums were something only kids did.
Tantrums? Tizzy?
Give me a break!
I stick by my original point that 3rd party insurance cover should be compulsory and as a cyclist I personally would be happy to pay it.;
How would they police it, should cyclists should have number plates as cars etc do, and what happens should a cyclist break the law. Can they then be banned form cycling ?

The problem we could run ito is all need to be insured in some way, possibly even including pedestrians. people can cause accidents through their own carelessness.
Would insurance companies actually go for that ?
3rd party insurance cover should be compulsory and as a cyclist I personally would be happy to pay it.;
I know not everyone owns a house, but for those who do wouldn't house insurance cover damages incurred while cycling?
I know not everyone owns a house, but for those who do wouldn't house insurance cover damages incurred while cycling?
It used to be the case that cycles and legal cover was an automatic inclusion in home insurance Artie but not the case these days where they are listed as options and you can include or exclude that cover as you wish. In any case household cycle cover is normally fire & theft cover only so the personal liability element would be the only thing that could be used.
Specialist cycle insurance is available to anyone who cares to look.

Triton is correct of course it would be extremely difficult to enforce and the police would definitely not be motivated however that's not a valid reason for it not to be considered. We would never do anything if we worked on the premise that if it's difficult it doesn't happen. I don't see why a cyclist can't be banned but they can certainly be fined. A cyclist who's been drinking or is using a mobile 'phone isn't a responsible bike rider and should be stopped. A certain person will of course say that never happens. :ROFLMAO:;)
Insurers will provide cover for almost anything as long as the risk v premiums balance out.
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The point it - the actual cost of accidental damage caused by cyclists is miniscule compared to that inflicted by motorised vehicles.
It's a non issue.
Not that it never happens, but never to the extent that any action is needed over and above the Road traffic act and other controls.
In any case a cyclist causing damage can be prosecuted just like anybody else, they don't escape the law.
Insurance would make no difference and would be a pointless administrative nightmare.
It would make as much sense to licence and insure pedestrians, though I suspect our usual suspects would think that was a good idea too!
It would make as much sense to licence and insure pedestrians, though I suspect our usual suspects would think that was a good idea too!

That's a great idea. Top it off with officially recognised status of "buswanker".

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