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      Axminster Chucks are first class and offer a much larger range of accessory jaws than any other vendor. I have a Record Power and a Nova...
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      mg123 replied to the thread Do you sell your stuff?.
      100% the right approach. The cost of materials should always be factored in, even if you obtained the materials for free. The cost...
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      mg123 reacted to Stigmorgan's post in the thread Do you sell your stuff? with Like Like.
      To add to my previous and somewhat repeat what others have said, This last year has shown me that it is very hard/almost impossible to...
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      mg123 reacted to Chris152's post in the thread Keir Starmer with Like Like.
      Not the war taking place on European soil right now, then? Or the war in the Middle East that threatens to get out of hand very quickly...
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      mg123 reacted to RobinBHM's post in the thread Keir Starmer with Like Like.
      the 10 million figure is just the total number people registered as foreign born noted on the 2021/2022 census so that covers everybody...
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      mg123 reacted to squib's post in the thread Up and down lights, is there a problem?? with Like Like.
      Apparently they get disoriented and it causes issues with their flight paths. They are the genetically close to humans and can...
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      mg123 reacted to Dovetail's post in the thread Keir Starmer with Like Like.
      Guys, this a gentle reminder that we do not allow name calling or personal attacks. This warning is preemptive.
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      mg123 reacted to TRITON's post in the thread Keir Starmer with Like Like.
      Pension tax raid on pensioners. Utterly shocking. Its almost the type of thing the tories would do. Wait a mo, they already did that...
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      mg123 reacted to TRITON's post in the thread Keir Starmer with Like Like.
      Except he did so for religious reasons, not political. I thought everybody knew that.
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      mg123 reacted to TRITON's post in the thread Keir Starmer with Like Like.
      Just for a bit of clarification. Asylum seekers are not held by any international law to claim asylum in any country other than the one...
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      mg123 reacted to TRITON's post in the thread Keir Starmer with Like Like.
      Sorry old chap, but i cant remember any promise of change. other than changes to the economy It honestly seems like you are misinformed...
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      mg123 reacted to TRITON's post in the thread Keir Starmer with Like Like.
      Can you tell me how that was 'discovered'
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      mg123 reacted to Jacob's post in the thread Keir Starmer with Like Like.
      Funny how Corbyn gets left out of these conversations! In spite of the intensive brain-washing campaign against him, he still was the...
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      mg123 reacted to selectortone's post in the thread Keir Starmer with Like Like.
      I used to frequent a US-based musicians forum of old guys my age. I'm a lifelong guitar player and sometime luthier and repairer. We...
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      mg123 reacted to Phil Pascoe's post in the thread Keir Starmer with Haha Haha.
      Bliar has his forearm up Starmer's jacksie.
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