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    • J-G
      J-G reacted to ey_tony's post in the thread Labour's Employment Rights Bill with Like Like.
      Well that definitely rules out socialists!:)
    • J-G
      J-G reacted to ey_tony's post in the thread Labour's Employment Rights Bill with Like Like.
      We've seen what happens when workers organise themselves into unions, it inevitably leads to the workers being used as political pawns...
    • J-G
      J-G reacted to ey_tony's post in the thread Labour's Employment Rights Bill with Like Like.
      Where is the incentive for people to better themselves if you pay them just enough to live on without working for it? As a member of...
    • J-G
      J-G replied to the thread Sharpening drills.
      !!!! Wastrel !!!! Whatever the replacement cost, that is (IMO) a very poor attitude Phil - - - but I didn't amass my fortune by...
    • J-G
      J-G replied to the thread Price of Fuel.
      I've recently been advised about roadworks close to me and given the recommened 'diversions' both for HGVs & 'other' vehicles. Under...
      • Road Diversions.png
    • J-G
      J-G reacted to Fergie 307's post in the thread Labour's Employment Rights Bill with Like Like.
      Oh please! Practices like demarcation were rife, how do you justify that. A colleague worked at Longbridge as a welder. He said to get...
    • J-G
      J-G reacted to MikeJhn's post in the thread Labour's Employment Rights Bill with Like Like.
      The whole of the western world has become a no blame culture, it is now almost impossible to terminate someone's employment no matter...
    • J-G
      J-G reacted to niall Y's post in the thread Price of Fuel with Like Like.
      Once people have been weaned off cars running on fossil fuels , the government will make their move to bill for road use, to make up...
    • J-G
      J-G reacted to Blackswanwood's post in the thread Joe Biden drops out with Like Like.
      I think it was Moses rather than the UK that made that decision?
    • J-G
      I can't let that 'error' go - it may lead to others thinking the same! Larch is a SOFTWOOD. Although deciduous - which often...
    • J-G
      J-G replied to the thread Dripping Kitchen Monobloc Tap.
      As it happens I've now checked the site of another spares supplier and they are much more specific when presented with the tap...
    • J-G
      J-G reacted to niemeyjt's post in the thread Joke Thread 4 with Like Like.
      You forgot Gordon "anyone want to buy some gold going cheap" Brown.
    • J-G
      J-G replied to the thread Dripping Kitchen Monobloc Tap.
      I'm just in the throws of a kitchen refurb due to a dripping ceramic tap that's been in place for about 10/12 years. Selecting what I...
    • J-G
      J-G reacted to Phil Pascoe's post in the thread Joke Thread 4 with Like Like.
      Probably because anything is better than Labour.
    • J-G
      J-G reacted to Scruples's post in the thread Thought on AI with Like Like.
      I would also advocate the 'Three Laws of Robotics' as Isaac Asimov created in his Sc-Fi novels in the 50s.
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