does anyone have a Wii fit?

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4 Oct 2009
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my spare room
does anyone use the Wii fit to weigh themselves with?
if you do how accurate do you find it?
just after christmas i was quite distressed to realise that i was obese. i went on a quite severe, self designed diet which worked very well but i now find that i am struggling to loose any more weight. i have hovered at a certain point for about a month now, until last night when i weighed myself and had lost 9lb in one week :shock:
i was very surprised at this so i tried again this morning only to find that i had gained 10lb in one night :shock: :shock:
cant be right !!
what do you think?
Do you suffer from sleepwalking, have you noticed the fridge door left open when you get up? :D have my sympathies and more power to you trying to sort it out.

1) Bin the Wii fit...or at least don't rely on its' accuracy

2) Change your location from 'the spare room' to the gym

3) Join a gym, be more active, cut out the booze. Any gym should have a properly qualified person who can advise on diet, nutrition and exercise. You might want to check with your doctor that it is OK for you to start exercising.

4) Don't use any more power tools! Use hand tools from now on.

Not sure what size/weight you are, but to be honest I wouldn't take any notice of the BMI scale, here's why, I swim 3 KM a week, cycle about 40 miles a week, I'm fit and slim, my weight is around 104 kilo's and my scales tell me I'm obese.

A few years ago they did the BMI of the England Rugby team and most of them came out obese, which proves to me its misleading medical hype.

Mind you there will be others on here that will swear by it.
Waka":3hab2jte said:

Mind you there will be others on here that will swear by it.

Not me. BMI is a meaningless load of junk and takes no account of body fat/muscle ratio.

As a mate of mine once said, 'The day I can't see my willy when I pee is the day I start dieting'. :wink:
+1 for binning the BMI scale. I use Wii Fit regularly. I'm classed as morbidly obese despite being pretty active and having a 34" waist.

The last time I was weighed and measured by my GP, he told me that I was 'officially obese' but looking at me that had no bearing on reality. He also said that using a correlation of height and weight to produce an 'obeseity rating' was stupid and potentially dangerous, pointing out that the British Olympic rowing team was either Obese or Morbidly obese!

According to the doc, a true 'health rating' can only be arrived at by measuring things like body fat %, PB, lung capacity etc..

If you look 'fat' - then you probably are. If you don't - you're probably not. Wii Fit is useful for keeping track of your weight and for getting you off the sofa. If you want a more accurate assessment of your health, then investing in a body fat anyliser or joining a decent gym where they take accurate measurements of your weight and body fat before you start and give you an ideal workout / diet routine is a good place to start.
The BMI puts me about 1.5 Stone under my ideal weight. But all the doctors tell me not to worry about it and I don't really. My eating habits seem to be sporadic. Sometimes I can eat like a horse, sometimes a rabbit.

To check the accuracy of the Wii, you just have to compare it to your doctors scale, or your local gym. I really don't know if it would be inaccurate, but I wouldn't bin it before checking. Like any keep-fit aid, you need to use it to get the benefit. But the most important thing is to cut out both junk food and snacking. Three sensible sized portioned meals a day, combined with plenty of exercise will see the weight drop off and level out for your build.
We have the Wii fit and it seems to be working for us,even weigh the dog on it, :D which seems to be as accurate as our normal scales.
hey guys

The BMI means nothing to me, as when i was at my fittest I played rugby for semi professionally, i played for the county too at open side (no 7) i could run the 100m in 12 seconds, you couldn't pinch a mm of fat, i weghed in at 16 stone.

And yes you guessed it i was clinically obese according to the BMI.

That was 10 years ago, now i am not so fit weigh just over 16 stone and my BMI is actually better. Go figure.
The WII is a games console.
The WII fit is just part of a games console.
Enjoy the games, maybe even get some exercise using it, but don't expect it to be accurate.
Remember an accurate set of scales would cost you more than the WII + fit...
Hi Erik,
I have a Wii Fit - it seems reasonably accurate for me. However, it wasn't until I fitted the extenders to allow it to work on a carpet by lifting the base completely clear.
All of these scales take no account of body type/fitness/muscle to fat ratio. I am diabetic so they keep a surprisingly good eye on me. I am 84kg when I should be 80 or less for a normal body type so I am obese. But I used to do a lot of sport and now walk a lot. The nurse complains that they have trouble finding enough fat to inject the insuliun.

If you walk for 20 min 4 times a week fast enough to break a sweat you will be fitter than the average and if you get an active dog and walk it a couple of times a day you will soon loose weight :)
cambournepete":2v7cscqx said:
The WII is a games console.
The WII fit is just part of a games console.
Enjoy the games, maybe even get some exercise using it, but don't expect it to be accurate.
Remember an accurate set of scales would cost you more than the WII + fit...

You would be surprised how accurate it is Im not an expert but I know the sensitivity on the Wii fit is amazing it can tell exaclty how you are balanced centre of gravity-wise. I couldnt say how accurate the weighing part is as I have not compared it to scales.
hi guys
thanks for the replies,they more or less confirm what i thought about the accuracy.
obviously i knew i was over weight but it wasn't until i used the wii that i realised that i was obese :oops: (don't like the sound of that word at all). so i used the wii as more of a motivational tool than anything else to loose some puddin. in 5 months i've dropped 3 collar sizes and 2 waist sizes and i ain't obese anymore. i'm still over weight though, and according to wii i need to get down to 12 stone to be an ideal weight. thats not going to happen but i would like to loose another stone if i can

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