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    • Chubber
      Chubber replied to the thread What is this?.
      It holds a blade retaining nut verucally down the gap in the table whilst changing blades. Look at the blade nut to see if it has...
    • Chubber
      Chubber replied to the thread Workshop socket layout.
      Think on having some sockets at skirting board height, fewer future trip hazards, as well as bench height outlets.
    • Chubber
      Chubber reacted to BC'er's post in the thread Night driving glasses - anti-glare with Like Like.
      I've used yellow shooting glasses for years when driving at night. They do a great job of cutting down the glare and improving one's...
    • Chubber
      Google ' 240v synchronous 60 rpm motor '. Buy one and try perhaps:-...
    • Chubber
      Chubber reacted to DrPhill's post in the thread Night driving glasses - anti-glare with Like Like.
      Yes - I had some clip-on tints which helped a lot. I have since got prescription tints from a well known high street optician. The help...
    • Chubber
      Chubber reacted to newbiegirl's post in the thread Night driving glasses - anti-glare with Like Like.
      Hi yes I have some and find them invaluable, you can also wear your normal glasses at same time (if you have them) I have 2 pairs, a...
    • Chubber
      Chubber replied to the thread Right to left measuring ruler?.
      I'm married to one. Her tied freezer bags are my nemesis, they undo the wrong way. Things get tidied from the right on shelves etc...
    • Chubber
      Chubber replied to the thread Right to left measuring ruler?.
      Easy done when it's just 3ft square. Different matter with bigger pieces, but yes, I do follow your reasoning.
    • Chubber
      Chubber reacted to cmoops2's post in the thread Right to left measuring ruler? with Like Like.
      Chubber - you mentioning 'long-pockets' in dungarees/workpants and it reminded me of a time when a newly qualified 'Elf & Safety...
    • Chubber
      Chubber replied to the thread Right to left measuring ruler?.
      Think on this scenario...I am right-handed. I write, mark, nick, knife etc with the tool in my right hand. I have done for more than...
    • Chubber
      Chubber reacted to mudman's post in the thread Right to left measuring ruler? with Like Like.
      I see what you did there. I liked the pun.
    • Chubber
      Chubber replied to the thread Un-Urning.
      Decorative strappy hinges? I have never seen hinges on an urn. A faux lock key hole? Make it look like a little treasure chest? Nice...
    • Chubber
      Chubber replied to the thread Right to left measuring ruler?.
      It has always seemed to me to be counterintuitive that expanding tapes pull from left to right so that they force the user to use their...
    • Chubber
      Chubber replied to the thread Un-Urning.
      This is really off-track, but I recently spilt some red 'T-Cut Nanotechnology' scratch remover on my crosscut sledge, made from beech...
    • Chubber
      Chubber replied to the thread Red Warning - Storm Darragh.
      Despite the warnings to avoid coastal areas the local news featured families on North Devon sea fronts WITH THEIR OFFSPRING!
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