You're not going to believe this...Good and Bad(ish) News

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Established Member
3 Mar 2005
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Ok so it's been a crazy few months for me. The workshop has been dragging on. I spent some time on a business project that sadly didn't come to fruition and my back has been getting steadily worse.

But that isn't the bad news. Let's start with the good stuff:

I recently discovered i'm going to be all grown up and become a Dad! :shock: :-k We were right in the middle of planning our wedding for next summer when this bombshell hit us. I'm just getting used to the idea, it's all going very fast. We had originally planned to get married in 2008 and go about starting our family. So this is all a little previous. We have now postponed to wedding and will use the savings for baby and other stuff.

Sadly the house that we are currently in is a little bit (well a lot actually) too small. It is a 2 bedroom house but we are growing out of it already.

So the clever clogs amongst you will have already guessed... We're going to move! Now that is good news, however... the bad news is... I have just spent all winter building a workshop!! #-o

So with that in mind the workshop will be a much different affair. I am not running electric in and I have used cheaper sheathing ply to line the walls. The 18mm wbp will come with me. We now have doors front and back. As I am now under preasure to 'clear up my mess', I have a skip out front and am filling it with junk from all over the place. The old shed is going which is why I have started to move stuff into the new workshop before it is finished.

So what need to be done? Front has to be 'dressed' to make it look prety and hide my bodges ;) Guttering on the side, back has to be clad, angled twinwall windows to be finished, paint, that's it i think. Here is a couple of shots of the inside:



It actually feels great to have somewhere to work and not have to worry about packing it all away again at the end of the day. Also good to be able to work on something for an hour, leave it and come back to it couple of days later and everything is still setup the same.

So, long post, lots of revelations. The fact i'm not going to get any usage out of the workshop is mind bogling sometimes. Essentially the build was a waste of time. I wonder if I am EVER going to get to do any proper woodworking. Luckily the new place has a proper garage! \:D/
Congrats Tom & to Mrs Wizer :wink: Don't worry about the workshop as I'm sure the experience will be useful sometime in the future. Having kids certainly slows down the woodworking output though. On the other hand young children are a source of all sorts of inspiration for projects both large and small.

:eek:ccasion5: Many congratulations to you both. When's the happy event expected?

It is a shame about the workshop after all the work you put in, but don't worry, all the disappointment will soon be drowned out by the patter of tiny feet (not to mention piles of nappies, bottles, sterilising equipment, etc.) :twisted:

Get the garage set up in the new place as quickly as possible - you'll need somewhere for a little "sanctuary" once in a while, and it'll make it less likely to degenerate into winter storage for all the large plastic garden stuff you'll undoubtedly accrue over the next couple of years.

Wonder what the odds are that your first project will be a changing table :-k There you go - a new workshop justified already :wink:

All the best

p.s. Moving far?
well done ! all the best for the future and as someone else said
get started on the next workshop ASAP for
1. nappy changing tablr
2. Crib see Dave R 's version :D
3. rocking horse etc................... :twisted:
Congratulations Wizer, great news about the new addition, bummer about the workshop. You know what they say - "the pleasure is in the making" and I suppose that applies to both :lol:.
Congratulations mate ! Why not do a loft conversion ? Its the same as a shed but on top of your house .
Congratulations, Wizer. Have you found out what did it, yet?
Shame about the workshop. Especially after all that effort. Put it down to experience which will be useful in that any mistakes will not happen again. Will they?
Hope all goes well for you both, anyway.

Congratulations, Wizer (and mrs Wizer) \:D/

Hope the move and everything goes smoothly :wink:
Congrats Wizer, But whatever you do don't forget to psot your new workshop WIP pics on here so we can all see how it is going. :D
Congratulations Wizer :eek:ccasion5: FWIW, something that I have learnt from living in Africa for many years, is to try not to plan too much down the road as you never know what is round the corner. Easier said than done, but as others have said, make the most of what you have learnt building the shop - the experience is sure to come in useful in the future.

All the best,

Wow thanks guys, very kind. hehe I just read back my post and it sounds a bit like a rant, it's not, I can't wait.

Baby expected in mid October (we think) first scan this Thurs.

We have actually found a new house, it's my Dad's house that he has not been living in for over a year (due to d.i.v.o.r.c.e). It's my childhood home. We are still working out the details but it should be a good move for us. It's in Bexleyheath. I love our current house so it will be a hard move... and I have spent 4yrs on major DIY projects that I won't fully enjoy! :roll: Oh well, another 4yrs of the same #-o With the new house being empty I should be able to start doing a few jobs before the move. (Like kitting out the garage.)

JFC: The loft will certainly be insulated, boarded and a proper ladder put in as we'll need the space.

I'm not sure how much stuff i'm going to be able to make for baby. I'd like to make everything for the nursery but time will be a problem. Decorating may take up a lot. I will have a month or two in the current workshop so maybe one thing. A cot will be nice, will have to look around for plans... I don't think Norm has ever made one?