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As outstanding as your comment is, it is a statement of the blindingly obvious. It is impossible to know until time has passed and events have happened

That is one reason why the EU are in the mess they are in. Waiting. Watching.
And as full results of longevity of the vaccines could take up to ten years to properly evaluate,
I stand by my statement.
I'm sorry you don't agree or see the logic.
Therefore we will leave it at that.
Viruses like flu mutate every year. The health organisations monitor the changes and sit down and make the best stab at which vaccine will be needed with the monitored results/ evidence. They don't always get it right because it's a moving target.
If covid proved to be similar I see no reason why a yearly jab won't be introduced and probably combined with the annual flu jab.
But we are a long way off that stage yet.
A combined jab is most unlikely because it would require a complete new trial, ( where tweaked, but already approved vaccines do not) the full suite of clinical trials and new approvals from the Regulators. So while on the face of it it is an attractive idea, the nature of this ‘emergency’ and the seasonality of influenza would preclude the avoiding of the considerable time and expense of tackling the combined trials and approvals.
I just thinks it's important to note that the virus has only been around for a year, and the first trials started 4 months ago(?).

Suggesting what level of protection would be available after 6 months is only a theory which must be backed up by evidence, which we won't have until 6 months have passed. This is why drug trials typically last 5, 8, or 10 years. You can't licence a drug based on unproven theoretical results. Obviously the rules are relaxed when it's for a disease that's killing everyone (e.g. Ebola) or is destroying the economy (e.g. C19).

I for one hope, if the immune response is not long-term, that the current vaccination campaign will suppress the disease and this doesn't become an annual or bi-annual shot!
I fully expect the covid shot to become the same as the flue jab! With at risk groups offered it yearly!
The cynic in me wonders if that's as much by design as anything else!
I also find it ironic that a large number of medical advancements whilst being good for the individual that's treated increase the risk of a catastrophic event for the human race as a whole!
That is one reason why the EU are in the mess they are in. Waiting. Watching.
And as full results of longevity of the vaccines could take up to ten years to properly evaluate,
I stand by my statement.
I'm sorry you don't agree or see the logic.
Therefore we will leave it at that.
OK - I did try but.....I will certainly stop banging my head against a brick wall.
I fully expect the covid shot to become the same as the flue jab! With at risk groups offered it yearly!
The cynic in me wonders if that's as much by design as anything else!
I also find it ironic that a large number of medical advancements whilst being good for the individual that's treated increase the risk of a catastrophic event for the human race as a whole!

I fully agree with you.
The head of the NHS has already said they expect to see a combined vaccination in a single shot in the future. The cost savings would be huge too for the NHS which they have to consider.
It looks like the variants find their way around the vaccine pretty quickly. The Mrs has a health care job and got second Pfizer jab Friday. She's still down for the count. There was quite a bit of smarm on the Aussie forum about how dumb the rest of us are and how smart they've been with lockdown and I had the scuffle with a few of not trying to write the article for the paper before the game is over. I still believe that. It may take a few rounds of vaccines and sickness before we have decent general immunity from most.

I'll be getting the jab here as soon as I'm allowed to, even though it doesn't have nearly as much luck with the apartheid version.
I fully agree with you.
The head of the NHS has already said they expect to see a combined vaccination in a single shot in the future. The cost savings would be huge too for the NHS which they have to consider.

A single shot sounds more like a booster and less like a first go.
I've been jabbed :giggle: :giggle: :giggle:
They also jabbed Mrs G as she is also my carer (registered as such)
We had the Pfizer vaccine.
Surprising how much they pump into you, it's a lot more than the flu jab dose.
April 18th 13:00hrs we go back for a top up.
I would expect that scientists are very carefully looking at the data as the vaccine is rolled out to determine:
  • how effective it is (compared to the trials) in preventing infection
  • whether the level of protection degrades over time
  • by how much the vaccine prevents onwards virus transmission
  • how a second vaccine changes the level of protection
8m doses have already been given. Allowing for immunity building for 2/3 weeks after vaccination, we should be getting some preliminary answers.

Speculating on the result of this analysis is pointless - putting in place contingency plans to deal with scenarios which may emerge is the priority.

Whether the government will share the intelligence at an early stage or hold back communication until there is reasonable certainty is less clear.
Just got a text from my local surgery - booked in for next Saturday - woohoo! I must be one of the last of my group - only turned 70 three weeks ago.

What an amazing job the NHS is doing!

Fantastic news, You will feel even happier once it is in your arm 😜
I've been jabbed :giggle: :giggle: :giggle:
They also jabbed Mrs G as she is also my carer (registered as such)
We had the Pfizer vaccine.
Surprising how much they pump into you, it's a lot more than the flu jab dose.
April 18th 13:00hrs we go back for a top up.
Had mine this morning and was surprised how little they pumped into my arm, never had the flu Jab so can't compare, my second is on the 18th also at 09:30, your not in Kent at Harrietsham by chance?
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