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      ey_tony replied to the thread Keir Starmer.
      Ahhh the man of many pledges! Don't let Starmer fool you, he appeared clueless as an opposition leader but he's going to be even worse...
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      ey_tony replied to the thread Keir Starmer.
      So would I but that unfortunately rules out Starmer et al. So far he's shown he's deeply dull alright but beyond that he gives off the...
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      ey_tony replied to the thread Keir Starmer.
      She isn't representing the truth? That's merely your opinion. If she isn't telling the truth, exactly which part of what she said is...
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      ey_tony replied to the thread Keir Starmer.
      Why is Isabel Oakshott truly horrible? I can't say I've ever watched her political views but based on what was said in the video I...
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      ey_tony replied to the thread Keir Starmer.
      Ahhh well done! At least I acknowledge my shortcomings and don't pretend to know everything about everything which I've found is the...
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      ey_tony replied to the thread Keir Starmer.
      Starmer has clearly had a charisma bypass unlike Boris who had ship-loads of it and deserved the title of charismatic even if he wasn't...
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      ey_tony reacted to Scruples's post in the thread Keir Starmer with Like Like.
      I liked Boris. He was charismatic, unlike any of the major politicians now, and he got a lot done under his term in office. He was...
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      ey_tony replied to the thread Keir Starmer.
      I did mention that in my post but the police are arguably the people who decide or believe if a crime has been committed in the first...
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      ey_tony replied to the thread Keir Starmer.
      I would have thought that was pretty obvious in the context of my reply hence I asked out of interest for examples of why Irish people...
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      ey_tony replied to the thread Keir Starmer.
      To be honest I can't say I know too much about Irish politics so I'll take your word for that. Purely out of interest and for my own...
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      My old system had the Honeywell control unit which was reliable enough apart from the buttons sometimes sticking but compared to the new...
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      A good decision, system boilers tend to be more reliable as they are less complex. For me keeping things simple is important, no...
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      Hive designed by British Gas ( my x employer ) and while not everything they sold was good I still have my hive ( version 2 ) and tbh...
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      Hello. The engineer fitted the Hive system and it appears to be straight forward and user-friendly so I'd guess it will cater for all of...
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      ey_tony replied to the thread Keir Starmer.
      At the end of the day, you either have the appetite for finding a solution to problems or issues or you don't. Sitting there simply...
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