Can I check what I think you are asking - that "it'd be nice if you could start a post, and click a "magic" button, which allowed you to point to a photo in your "my photos" directory, then continue your post, and after hitting submit - it all automatically does its thing in the background and appears on here?"
I agree, the above would be ideal, but the whole process is limited by one major hurdle. A photo on your computer is no good in a post, as, as soon as you switch your PC off for the day - noone else can see it. The major hurdle for any member, is to get that photo from your computer (which is turned off after each use) to a computer which is on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
That step (or giant hurdle!) requires setting up an account on a "24/7" computer, than getting a unique address for each photo you have uploaded, which you add to posts, and hence allows all the computers of all the users here to fetch the photo (from that unique address) and display it in their browser windows as they read a post.
Breaking down the problem a little further, their are two parts, firstly getting those pictures onto the internet (the 24/7 computer) and secondly, once they are on the internet, getting that unique address into the post (so everyone can see them). I'd suggest we do just one at a time. If you email the pictures, to Newbie_Neil, or me, we'll get them "on-the-internet", and then we'll show you the magic words to put in a post to make them appear!
If at a later date you want some help getting those pictures "on-the-internet" we'll help there too. I reckon the first part is a good step if its all a bit overwhelming.
I apologise if thats not what you were asking, but I hope it helps. If you need help on emailing the photos, just shout and ask Neil, or me, by private mesage, or cliking the "email" button in our profiles.
Just ask for help - their are plenty of people here who can assist, I know I rang someone here and helped them on this very same issue last year, as it was difficult to explain by email. Just explain what you want (or your friend

) and we'll get you sorted.
