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I was out walking with my walking group and a couple of guys and myself came up with a much better idea for the national service in a matter of minutes!

Learn a trade,
Learn to drive.
Learn soldier skills.

Get out into nature for a week away somewhere.
Do some volunteering NHS / nursing home / primary school / community
Do a project maybe write something or make something.

It would give the less well off the chance to experience life outside of the estate and have the opportunity to make something of themselves.

Rishi half baked ideas are really unthought through.
Sunak offers stability and several broken pledges
Given that Sunak is still beholden to the ERG nutters in the party I'm not sure he offers stability. Unless "stability" means more of the same chaos of utterly unsuitable individuals making it into the cabinet.
13 pages and not a mention of what the different parties manifestos are….well that’s because they haven’t released them yet! So, it’s all hot air until we all actually know what each party is proposing as their solution to the issues that are at hand. Shocking really, five weeks to go and we don’t have any idea what they are intending to do should they get into No 10
When it comes to 'plutocrats' and people earning high salaries for doing ‘non-jobs’ it would be hard to beat (mostly) Labour run Councils who invariably blame any deficits in services or finances on ‘Tory Cuts’. That doesn’t stand close examination. Take Lambeth Council: It has debts of £1 Billion, yet has more than 40 staff paid more than £100k a year. The Chief Executive is on £187,775 – more than the Prime Minister. Of 3,000 staff, more than 1,000 are paid above £50k. Average earnings per employee is £48,165.

One of the best paid is the ‘Director of climate and inclusive growth on £169,334. His job - created last year - is to: ‘build strong collaborative relationships between industry, academia, all tiers of government and local stakeholders around a set of ambitious shared objectives to foster including economic growth, reduce inequality and work towards net zero by 2030’. Then there’s the ‘Director of climate change, planning and transport on £143,355, the ,Director of community safety and resilience’ (£117,957), and the ‘Cost-of-living crisis programme director’ (£101,000).

In the local election manifesto in 2018, the Labour Council promised to build 1,000 new homes at ‘council rent’. In the ensuing five years, it’s only built 236. Over the same period, the number of empty council homes has doubled to 654. Almost £1.00 in every £6.50 it spends is interest on its debts. It’s spent £3.5 mill on ‘Low Traffic Neighbourhoods’, £2.9 mill on cycle lanes, and £21mill on ‘decarbonisation and climate resilience’.

This isn’t to say that the council - and others that are in financial difficulties - don’t have serious problems to cope with in providing services, but really, the primary purpose of the funding it gets from Community Charges and central government isn’t to build ‘ivory towers’ stuffed full of highly-paid superannuated executives doing non-jobs – it’s to provide services to residents.

The Labour leader of Bradford City Council says nearly 50% of the council's entire budget was now being spent on children's social care, but this was still not enough to cope with current pressures.

Councils are also seeing increased costs and demand for transport to special schools outside of their local area. An officer at North Yorkshire Council said spending on school transport for children with special educational needs and disabilities had increased from £5m to £21m over the past five years.

I'm ambivalent as to who forms the new government - most likely Sir Keir Starmer.

I just hope they have a working majority and don't have to pander to the whims of the fringe parties to get anything through. (Greens, Lib-Dems, SNP, etc). It's worth bearing in mind that when Labour last came to power in 1997, those such as Wes Sweeting, Rachel Reeves, Angela Rayner were still in their teens, not old enough to vote. Since they became MPs, for most of the time, Labour has been little more than a 'protest group', which is a doddle compared to being in Government. In their desire to get elected, as with all politicians, they over-promise and under-deliver, blaming any shortfall in expectations on 'the mess created by their predecessors'.

It won't keep me awake at night.
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Financial crash like that caused by Liz Truss
I believe Liz Truss debacle was unfunded spending and not getting approval first

there is no evidence Labour will do that

Chasing the big energy companies out of the UK by aggresive taxation
I believe the energy companies have stated theyve been making so much money they dont know what to do with it

Uncontrolled borrowing to try and meet their promises
Labour have stated they wont do that

do you have evidence otherwise?


Sunak offers stability
you mean more of the last 14 years.

Im not sure that is a very positive outlook

The first thing a politician has to do is to be able to keep a straight face whilst telling lies
Keir starmer has not made any lies

changing policies is not a lie

You should always win on merit and not by default
Labour have engineered their way ahead, its not "by default"
13 pages and not a mention of what the different parties manifestos are….well that’s because they haven’t released them yet! So, it’s all hot air until we all actually know what each party is proposing as their solution to the issues that are at hand. Shocking really, five weeks to go and we don’t have any idea what they are intending to do should they get into No 10
Funnily enough the Conservatives who had the advantage of announcing the election to suit them, appear to have been blindsided and havent prepared a manifesto

goodness know what their manifesto might contain.........

The Labour party will leave it to the very last minute, they dont want the Conservatives to make counter policies -like they already done with non dom status
13 pages and not a mention of what the different parties manifestos are….well that’s because they haven’t released them yet! So, it’s all hot air until we all actually know what each party is proposing as their solution to the issues that are at hand. Shocking really, five weeks to go and we don’t have any idea what they are intending to do should they get into No 10
That's easy:

Tories: Repeat "Stop the boats" endlessly. Quietly continue privatising the NHS and lining our rich mate's pockets with public money
Labour: Try to look tough on immigration to attract wavering Tory voters, and fight off Corbyn and Abbott
Lib Dem: Do we even exist now?
Green: Knit your own hemp sandals
Reform: Tories but worse. Grift grift grift

13 pages and not a mention of what the different parties manifestos are….well that’s because they haven’t released them yet! So, it’s all hot air until we all actually know what each party is proposing as their solution to the issues that are at hand. Shocking really, five weeks to go and we don’t have any idea what they are intending to do should they get into No 10
You make a good point, but to be honest, I just feel we have to get rid of the current Tory shower. They seem to sink to new depths of incompetence and corruption the longer they're in power. Crazy how Teresa May looks positively statesmanlike when put up beside Johnson, Truss and Sunak.
I don't class myself as a dyed in the wool labour supporter, I confess to having voted for the Tories(a long time ago), but the current crop are the bottom of the barrel. The only way our two party system works is by by zigzagging left and right, somehow managing to stay on the road. It's inefficient and frustrating, but it's all we have with a two party FPTP system.
I found this very interesting, ignore his political bias, and focus on the issues with government for any party that gets in to power.
I don't vote, I don't care who is in power because they are all as bad as each other, what I do object to is having to shut the school for the day while they use our hall as a voting station
Im sorry to say that you are not the only one who takes this attitude.
May I remind you that universal adult suferage has been our privilidge in this country for less than 100 years. Those entitled to vote and join political parties and unions share the responsibility for the government we endure.

There are individuals only too happy to exploit the indifference, ignorance and prejudice of some voters to promote their own ambitions and interests. I could list the individuals organisations pouring money into parties around the world to make things to their advantage. The discussion in this thread highlights many of the things that have gone wrong. For example our planet is undergoing a dramatic climate crisis, look at the reports of temperatures in Delhi this morning, while petrochemical and coal companies pay billions into the funds of potential leaders who are happy to delay any possible remedy.

All adults have the responsibility to ensure we have honest and competent leaders who are there to promote societies best interests. The way to do that is to engage first in voting responsibly and then if you have the time and talent to join a political party you can agree with, discuss policies, stand for office and campaign for what you believe in. Don’t let the incompetent, vain, charismatic crooks ruin our country and planet more than they already have .
13 pages and not a mention of what the different parties manifestos are….well that’s because they haven’t released them yet!
Labour has - it's for "Change" :unsure:
Not sure what exactly, is starmer after "loose change"? Or "No change"?
Or change with a question mark; "Change?"
You make a good point, but to be honest, I just feel we have to get rid of the current Tory shower.
That is why Labour will win by default, people are not voting for Labour but because they do not want anymore Conservative, they will gamble on the unknown. I think more people including myself would vote for Labour if it was not headed by Starmer as he is like marmite. Someone said that the best thing about getting a Labour government is that it has been so long since we have had one that there are now many voters who have never lived under one and need the experience. Whoever wins will not really change our lives over the next five years, we have such a national debt due to covid that there is no spare cash, even with the current high levels of taxation we are almost just treading water. We sowed the seeds of our downfall many years ago by making manufacturing a dirty word and thinking we could rely on finance and service industries, we are now paying for that bad decision and is why we import all our tools and goods. All we can hope for is that we get Reform as the main opposition party to keep Labour in check and the Conservatives in the undergrowth.
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