Camber roller just allows you to soften the corners of your plane irons so if for eg your flattering a wide board it reduces the chances of you leaving tram tracks in your work ,, skew jigs for angled blades but it’s an optional extra that I don’t need. Eotd it’s whatever your comfortable using and what gets you consistent results in as short at time as possible- I’ve tried sharpening by eye with an oilstone but it just didn’t work for me.
If you want to try freehanding, grind at a lower angle, make yourself a block a little above 30 degrees to see what it feels like and work the tip of the iron with a single stone at the steeper angle, do a couple of alternating front and back (not going steeper) and then strop the edge.
The trouble with jacob and paul's fallacy is the idea that the average person gets a good edge with it - or even mediocre. Most don't. Separating the grinding and edge work drastically improves both your control of the shape of the edge and the finish of the edge. In less time.