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      It must be a bit of a culture shock, leaving the military and finding yourself having to come to terms with a different world.
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      As witth a lot of institutions and businesses, retiring employees get help, retirement seminars and, in some cases, a phasing shift to...
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      Scruples replied to the thread Which tape measure?!!.
      That's true. I have one in the car, one in my decorators toolbox (Pod 1), one in my electronics toolbox (Pod 2), one in my elecrical...
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      Scruples replied to the thread Talk about rip-off Britain..
      I'm 71 and haven't had any checks at all. I think you may be in error there. They are talking about assessing older drivers in the future.
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      Scruples replied to the thread Weather.
      Yes with less sun and more intermittent wind, we should be OK...on and off.
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      Solar power is good as long as it is located where it will get a good amount of light. I live in the valley, on the southern slope which...
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      Eacgh component would have had an accompanying sheet with details of installation and wiring details. In the absence of these it's worth...
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      Scruples replied to the thread Pants on Fire!.
      Because sensational news sells papers and, all they have to do is print a retraction later, they don't care, they sold the story. I...
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      Scruples replied to the thread Online Safety Act.
      The freedom of expression is law-base. But, if somebody, or group, decide to incite others to take actions that may result in violence...
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      Scruples replied to the thread Online Safety Act. election can be called for either the end of an term, where elections are mandatory, or when the incumbent government is in...
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      Scruples replied to the thread Online Safety Act.
      The police may have witheld information at the time, but they might have had good reason to do that. The courts would decide if anything...
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      Scruples replied to the thread Online Safety Act.
      I disagree. Israel has, since its establishment in its new state territory, strived to expand by using settlers to push beyond its set...
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      Scruples replied to the thread Online Safety Act.
      Taking the extreme opposite example is a lost cause. Freedom and freedom of speech are meant as freedoms, within limits. There is no...
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      Scruples reacted to Delaney's post in the thread Online Safety Act with Like Like.
      There are many examples where political pressure had a massive effect on sentencing. Also he Home Sec sets guidelines for college of...
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      Scruples replied to the thread Online Safety Act.
      I disagree. The government has decided that antisemitism, for example, is against the law. Having to enforce the law, the police deal...
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