Let’s play a game


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Established Member
15 Dec 2022
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I have just attempted to sell a couple of items on the for sale forum, after about half an hour I get questions about both, the bigger item I am asked the normal sort of questions, then where are you and can I see it working?.
I reply of course PM with a date and time.
Then I have not heard anything not even a polite message via PM.
I would have expected at least some sort communication if only being polite.
Now I am probably being paranoid but,
No message to even say “ sorting out a time to look at it or, I have changed my mind etc.
I haven’t given out my home address and my pictures of item don’t have location data but they have been taken in my garage with other items.
So as I not selling the items because I need the money so to play it safe I have withdrawn said items from sale as it’s not worth the potential hassle.
So as a possible thing to make people aware let’s play a game, from my pictures let’s see how many items of value you can identify of the carry away type.
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Funnily enough, I was about to put the same model of morticer here for sale.

Don't think Ill bother now :confused:

Mind you, selling online is a bit of a headache. I've just "sold" an item on eBay. Guy wins bid, can I get him to pay or even communicate? Hell no. I am hoping that nothing has happened to him, and I'm just leaving it for a bit before trying the runner up.
Funnily enough, I was about to put the same model of morticer here for sale.

Don't think Ill bother now :confused:

Mind you, selling online is a bit of a headache. I've just "sold" an item on eBay. Guy wins bid, can I get him to pay or even communicate? Hell no. I am hoping that nothing has happened to him, and I'm just leaving it for a bit before trying the runner up.
I’m not saying don’t bother just be careful.
I have done a number of transactions with folks on this forum and other forums - never had an issue - including at times sending over £500 in advance on trust... you learn to work out who to deal with and read character ahead of time... most people are honest, and most dishonest people follow distinct patterns in how they behave...
The smart move is to take photos against a neutral background, just an old sheet hung up would do.
To be generous, not everyone will reply, or be able to, as quickly as their first message. Some will just be rude and not bother to reply at all.
I've bought few things in the past from the forum without problems, but it's always sensible to be careful.
I think the problem is that you (and most) are decent normal older(?) people. We are the same people who answer the phone when it rings and reply to emails etc.
After trying to sell some bits on Marketplace I came to the conclusion that there’s an awful lot of people who have too much time on their hands and just send out messages, it’s the same when I’m in the States, at least one message a week from strangers "how are you" -" have the parts for the Porsche arrived yet"- "is that you? I’m still waiting for your response " sounds like just the wrong number? No I’m told and agree that these are just wierd and or lonely people.
And roughly on the same topic is it just me or is facebook marketplace becoming unusable as it takes ages for the selected item to appear on screen and for any other pics.details to appear when clicked on
I'm soon going to be selling some bits and pieces on here as I presumed it would be a better crowd to deal with than the other options.

Some people can be rude, I might get an enquiry about a job, travel to look at it, spend an hour or more in the office working out a price, email it over to the potential customer only to hear nothing at all back, not even a thank you, drives me mad.

You do also need to be wary about the sellers on here, I won't name names but some rouge once got called out for selling chisels that "weren't very sharp"........... 🤣🤣🤣
Some people can be rude, I might get an enquiry about a job, travel to look at it, spend an hour or more in the office working out a price, email it over to the potential customer only to hear nothing at all back, not even a thank you, drives me mad.
That happens to me too and I feel the same as you.
Someone told me, "don't expect other people to treat you with the same respect you treat them, you'll be disappointed most of the time"
Its true unfortunately.
I have never had a problem on forum sells / purchases. I would guess from my experience that 99.9% on this forum are genuine people. Maybe they need more time to reply, perhaps not old guys like me with plenty of times on my hands to reply immediately?
To play your game. In the second picture, we appear to have two plastic tool carry boxes, one is Bosch blue and the other is Fein orange, the later being a presumed higher value. Then there is the transformer. Nothing else stands out.
My last dance with eBay had the winning bidder say that he bid by accident, all 9 bids, and didn't want it, eBay don't push their contractual obligation at all. Good luck selling it.
To play your game. In the second picture, we appear to have two plastic tool carry boxes, one is Bosch blue and the other is Fein orange, the later being a presumed higher value. Then there is the transformer. Nothing else stands out.
My last dance with eBay had the winning bidder say that he bid by accident, all 9 bids, and didn't want it, eBay don't push their contractual obligation at all. Good luck selling it.
Not bad but the orange one was red (faded) is a staple gun, the blue one is a makita grinder but you missed the dewalt dust extractor ( but I did say high value items so I should change that as it’s obviously the wrong colour 😂). You also failed to notice my wheelbarrow wheel that is obviously fine art so would command a high value.😜
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I think there is some Paranoia here, a lot of people sell stuff and there are some very busy people so comunication may not be as quick as we would like but also look at how long they have been a member and the number of messages as this can also give an indication. The other aspect is some people just lack any sense of courtesy or social expectations so just one of those things.

The one good thing I have noticed in your photo is that you have not packed all your tools up in plastic systainers ready for someone to think you have gift wrapped them just for the taking.
I can sympathise with the OP... it seems as though "manners" have gone out of the window in recent times. And basically, that's what it boils down to...
I use your knowledge/experience/skill to help me out of a jam, but then you can ****** off because you've suited my purpose.
I'd hope that everyone who's helped me out on this very forum has been thanked accordingly. Grovelling apologies if not the case.
I do think that the majority of folk are still decent - let me give you a perfect example.
A few weeks ago, I put a request on this forum for something to be made. A chap - who I won't name without his permission - came up trumps, and within a few days, the item was duly delivered. Fantastic.
I "overpaid" him on purpose. He'd only wanted to cover the cost of materials and postage, but that didn't account for his time and "inconvenience", so I paid "too much".
It turned out that he gave the "overpayment" to charity.

Since then, I asked if he'd be interested in making another, totally unrelated, item.
Again, he calculated material costs, and even before the "deal" was struck, told me not to overpay.
I sent him the item details- way more complicated than the first item - and again the goods were on my doorstep within a week-or-so.
This time, I donated a few bob to the same charity, so we were both happy.... (y)

So you see, yes, there are some varmints, scammers and ne'er-do-wells knocking about, but there's still hope!
I'm a volunteer driver 3 days a week in Leicester. The amount of selfish, ignorant people on the roads is incredible!
Society (certainly for those under 30) is all "me-me", all take and no give or so it appears.
And it's almost amusing when the person that won't let you into the flow of traffic studiously won't look at you!
Maybe it's just the way life is going, but I don't like it much.
Farcepuke Muck-it-up-place is littered with scammers. Just try searching for a car, caravan or motorhome in particular. Regularly, it seems that Joe Bloggs - a private individual - has about eight cars, a boat and three motorhomes he/she/it is trying to shift. There are great photos of each, but the giveaway is the description. "Engine size 1.0L" - for a motorhome? "No outstanding liens" again, again and again for caravans.
What seems to be happening is stolen identities used to advertise copied (legitimate) adverts. You are then invited to 'make a deposit to secure the item as there is a huge interest in this van/boat/zippy car'. Your money is never seen again.
Folks who ask for a viewing before imparting cash are given an address, false of course. One unlucky individual is rumoured to have travelled from the South Coast to between York and Newcastle to discover he'd been had.
Caveat emptor!!
I'm a volunteer driver 3 days a week in Leicester. The amount of selfish, ignorant people on the roads is incredible!
Society (certainly for those under 30) is all "me-me", all take and no give or so it appears.
And it's almost amusing when the person that won't let you into the flow of traffic studiously won't look at you!
Maybe it's just the way life is going, but I don't like it much.
Lack of a proper upbringing that seems to have got worse in the last 40 years.

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