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    • akirk
      akirk replied to the thread Calor gas bottles for barbecue..
      Check connector types not just colour - we have three green calor ‘patio gas’ canisters and the fourth is from a local company and is...
    • akirk
      First garden planter done, going to make a matching one and probably a larger trough style one too. I'd intended to use pocket screws...
    • akirk
      dremel are good - I use mine a lot, making toys etc. I have the Proxxon router table - it is okay, but a bit plasticky for the money...
    • akirk
      akirk replied to the thread Wenge is it African rosewood?.
      I think that visually and to work with they are very different - Wenge seems more open grained whereas rosewoods tend to be a slightly...
      • IMG_9080.jpeg
      • IMG_9077.jpeg
    • akirk
      akirk replied to the thread Strange website displays....
      okay - shouldn't be happening but brave browser might be a part of the equation - most developers tend to code to a maximum of three...
    • akirk
      akirk replied to the thread Strange website displays....
      It is the CSS files which are being blocked - if in Chrome or Firefox - press F12 to see the developer console - you may have some error...
    • akirk
      akirk replied to the thread RP Sabre 250 extraction hose.
      thank you - will explore that idea - still need it to drop down in diameter though which may be more challenging...
    • akirk
      akirk replied to the thread Where and what wood to buy?.
      all three of those are available in the UK quite easily... you want to avoid B&Q and building supplies companies and look for timber...
    • akirk
      akirk replied to the thread Selling advice.
      well said - there is no mass-market equation which works for the wood hobbiest - the only way to make money is to go very upmarket, and...
    • akirk
      Yes circular items can be an issue on a bandsaw but small dowel generally isn’t - hold it firmly and it is fine - I cut loads and metal...
    • akirk
      akirk replied to the thread Selling advice.
      It would indeed... Our experience working with people in the creative world is that their most creative efforts seem to be in their...
    • akirk
      Cherry and Birch Masur jewellery box
    • akirk
      sounds awful... without wanting to minimise it - the reality is that all cars have things that can go wrong / every generation has had...
    • akirk
      akirk replied to the thread Selling advice.
      There are some interesting comments above on websites... My day job is running a business doing two things - management consultancy...
    • akirk
      akirk replied to the thread Home library.
      It does show how different a set of views people can have… for me a set of book spines is relaxing and exciting, it is the start of one...
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