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      niemeyjt replied to the thread Labour's Employment Rights Bill.
      I think the unions will play an extremely valuable role in next few years . . . negotiating redundancy terms for the workers who lose...
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      niemeyjt replied to the thread Labour's Employment Rights Bill.
      Well EU subsidies, like those given to JLR to move some production to Slovakia, is another issue. Ford and the examples I gave all...
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      niemeyjt replied to the thread Labour's Employment Rights Bill.
      I am sure there have been many others too. As I said at the outset, you cannot repeal the law of unintended consequences - but you...
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      niemeyjt replied to the thread Labour's Employment Rights Bill.
      I have twice seen my companies move from more expensive to less expensive places - Firstly a move from Paris to Amsterdam and more...
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      niemeyjt replied to the thread Price of Fuel.
      PPM could be an issue when cars are sent on a massive diversion due to road works.
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      niemeyjt replied to the thread Labour's Employment Rights Bill.
      And of course getting people onto the payroll instead of being self employed generates loads more taxes. It will be interesting to see...
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      niemeyjt replied to the thread Price of Fuel.
      And what car is used for the analysis - A Tesla or a Citroen Ami?
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      niemeyjt replied to the thread Labour's Employment Rights Bill.
      The law of unintended consequences cannot be repealed. As with the reported education and rentals/housing legislation, this has...
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      niemeyjt replied to the thread Joke Thread 4.
      Does that mean his hair is Douglas Fur?
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      niemeyjt replied to the thread Joke Thread 4.
      You forgot Gordon "anyone want to buy some gold going cheap" Brown.
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      niemeyjt replied to the thread Joe Biden drops out.
      Just a thought - Donald Trump will be older at the start of his next Presidency, if elected, than Biden was at the start of his current...
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      niemeyjt replied to the thread Importing and customs.
      Fedex are cheaper than the previous carrier they used - UPS and faster than USPS. Fedex charge me a fee of CHF22 - somewhat more than...
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      niemeyjt replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
      My agency added 1% to their charges for all Mr Osborne's changes a few years back, including refence checks etc (and also nationality...
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      niemeyjt replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
      “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Given this has failed in Scotland, causing...
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      niemeyjt replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
      Yes - our agent picks up some of the new extra costs - thanks George Osborne - and has hiked the management charges I pay by 1%. We put...
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