I'm a cyclist.


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So that's what worries you so much about cycling! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Yes, definitely, 2 things I don't want. plus the likely hood of being squashed like a hedgehog on the roads has no appeal to me. Therefore I run and row.
Used to cycle a lot, Norfolk to derbyshire, Norfolk to Bath, in my 20's
Speak for yourself! So that's what worries you so much about cycling! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
You could ask a few girls - which would they prefer; a fit and healthy suntanned type who gets out a lot on his bike and enjoys life, or one who lurks inside getting no exercise, in order to protect his bits? :unsure:
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Jacob replying to himself, I think he's finally lost it properly.

:D :D :rolleyes:

But in answer to your response, ask a few girls which they prefer, a geriatric cyclist or a someone their own age, I think those girls will pick the boys.
As mentioned previously, which you seem to ignore I'll stick to running and rowing, just because one doesn't cycle doesn't mean one is not fit.

Some may get the hots for middle age cyclists in lycra

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and rowing
Boat rowing or machine thing ?.
Haven't needed to row for a while but im not bad at it.
Mate who owned the boat was a bit tight and never wanted to pay berthing fees so visiting somewhere like Bute we always used one of the free moorings. Row to shore, get drunk, row back.
Yup i know that one.
Riding in the city center some years back, the car 3 in front stopped suddenely(driver has spotted a rare free parking space). The car behind them stopped sharply, but obviously closer, the car behind that closer still and i ran into the back of them making a slight dink in the boot.
Being a responsible adult,I didnt make a sharp exit stage left, i apologized to the driver, and we agreed I would pay his £100 excess and both agreed it was the car right in front's fault really by puling up so sharply. And promptly sent him the 100 quid.
Nope it was your own fault for driving too close to the car in front, the Highway Code is quite clear you should drive at a distance that enable you to stop within your viewing range.
Nope it was your own fault for driving too close to the car in front, the Highway Code is quite clear you should drive at a distance that enable you to stop within your viewing range.
No i wasn't too close. You're making assumptions.

Absolutely stoned to the bejesus.
Yes you are all quite right. My point is that the insurance companies are not going to be happy bunnies when all of these incidents take place and the claims come flooding in. In my case the woman stopped crossing but I waved her that I had stopped so she crossed the road as the new law states that she has priority now.
Pedestrians always had priority in my book. I can't see what all the fuss is about.
Likewise I've always done my best not to kill or maim cyclists, even if they're wearing Lycra.
If I see anyone rowing, on the other hand, they're fair game. Dr Bob, you have been warned.
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Yes you are all quite right. My point is that the insurance companies are not going to be happy bunnies when all of these incidents take place and the claims come flooding in. In my case the woman stopped crossing but I waved her that I had stopped so she crossed the road as the new law states that she has priority now.
As I understand things, insurance companies just pass on these costs to the consumers. The really big insurance companies get tax-payer funded bailouts, if they sustain llarge llosses.
Good news then if cyclists breed more cyclists then there might be a reduction in the snotty cyclist population. ;) :ROFLMAO:
We are not snotty at all but we are continually under attack from the gammons, who like to moan about everything other people do which is slightly different from what they do themselves. If anything we just feel sorry for them and don't know why they bother. :rolleyes: :ROFLMAO:
Gammons, LOL, here we go. Jacob starts to turn a cycling thread into a political one................................ yawn zzzzzz zzzzz zzzz.

I don't quite get the irate person ref, surely it's a derogatory term for right wingers, yet there are more right wing cyclist than left wing.
The wealthier tend to be fitter, exercise more and have more free cash to splash on £10k bikes.
Maybe you should start a thread in the closed nutter looney forum, they will love it, frothing at the bit for a bit of cycling politics, keep them happy for a few weeks, how are the loons, I miss some of the bonkerness, venom and anecdotes.
I suspect the looney forum is not radical enough for you, hence the reason you turn every thread you join into left wing political propaganda
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There’s definitely a snotty population around here. On my road bike, I sometimes switch to flat mountain bike pedals and shoes (and mtb shorts)…that drives the elites mad :)

i‘ve heard of people getting comments for not shaving their legs, I don’t know if that’s weird or flat out disturbing. I’ve not encountered that one yet.
Just to add, cycling doesnt make my angry. The total opposite, it really has been a life saver for me (mentally and physically). Im aware of the risks, but I’d rather be out than sat indoors or smashing my knees to bits running.
Just to add, cycling doesnt make my angry. The total opposite, it really has been a life saver for me (mentally and physically). Im aware of the risks, but I’d rather be out than sat indoors or smashing my knees to bits running.

Well done scooby, just some seemed rather angry earlier on, and on the road some appear over aggressive if challenged about behaviour. Yes i've been lucky with running, knees still good.
Well done scooby, just some seemed rather angry earlier on, and on the road some appear over aggressive if challenged about behaviour. Yes i've been lucky with running, knees still good.

Not knocking running as a sport/hobby. I’d be doing it if I could.
Im a reasonable weight but my knees really feel it before my cardio system even notices.
As I understand things, insurance companies just pass on these costs to the consumers. The really big insurance companies get tax-payer funded bailouts, if they sustain llarge llosses.

Well as you understand it isn’t quite correct.

Insurance is based on the premiums of the many paying the losses of the few. If the insurance company gets it wrong the shortfall is paid out of shareholder capital and they make a loss or even go out of business. If the latter happens and claims are therefore unpaid a compensation scheme kicks in which is funded by a levy on the insurance industry. The insurance company in question fails and goes bust - it does not receive a tax-payer funded bailout.

If the number of claims goes up insurance premiums will as the risk is higher so that the premiums if the many cover the losses of the few. From what I can see insurers are not currently seeing these changes as a big issue.

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