I'm a cyclist.


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I’ve tried to look up the stats to see if the comments have a researched basis as it’s an interesting perspective. The best I can find is stats in the Strategic Road network of the UK, ie motorways, dual carriageway and certain major A roads
Doing quick maths, I think the numbers suggest that the proposal of cars travelling in motorways distorts the numbers doesn’t fully hold true. It adds a little more safety, but guessing, that when accidents occur the higher speeds are often more deadly.

I think we can reject this line of thinking
Equally we can reject the idea that bicycles are nearly as dangerous as cars, as the numbers in the report you posted show clearly that cars kill or seriously injure more than 110 times as many people as do bicycles.
It doesn't look so bad if you consider cyclist cover only 1% of total milage in GB.

But taking off motorway miles would again even it some.
I shall gracefully bow out of this thread, there is a misunderstanding of what the statistical data is showing and that’s absolutely fine. The nice thing I think about debates is knowing when to stop, a bit like alcohol, great in moderation.

I wasn't railing against people who absolutely need a means of transport to do their jobs, but rather trying to point out that the vast majority of people who say they need a car, don't.

Let's analyse this little rant

But I also think it is high time for people, and especially some sectors of the middle classes,

Define 'middle class'? I don;t think we have a class system unless you think that 'middle class' have more money than you do

. Going meat-free isn't going to balance out a cruse every 2 years,

Evidence? How many people go on a cruise every two years, anyway. Or is it simply that either you (a) cannot afford to go on a cruise or (b) don't want to ? In any case, who are you to be so judgemental ? Where do you go on holiday ? In any case I have no idea what the eco-impact is of a cruse, do you ? I'd have thought carting n-thousand people about was more eco-friendly then them all driving their cars to a beach in the UK

frequent flights,
Evidence please.
a 60-mile (or more) commute every day,

So what would you like them to do instead ? Go poor ? Stop feeding their kids? Get real. Stop getting on your soapbox, please.

buying shopping wrapped in far too much plastic,

That's nothing to do with 'middle classes'. Or 'any classes'. It's down to the supermarkets.

and local car mileage to shuttle the kids to and from school every day.

OK...let them walk 10 miles each way.

Suggest you need a reality check.
Ever looked at the numbers of buses/trams/trains in cities? There is very little real need for anyone to drive a car within cities.

Totally agree and probably most don't. I have no idea and neither do you unless you can produce some statistics or reports on which to base your prejudices.

The fact that people do is often because they are lazy, or put their needs before those of the society they live in.

So you're automatic assumption whenever you see a car in a city is that it shouldn't be there ? That the occupant should be using public transport ? It's not a GP doing a home visit ? A district nurse? A tradesman doing a test inspection...not all drive vans. Someone driving into town to visit a sick relative ? Or even a healthy one

Suggest your bigotry scale needs a recalibration.
That might be a disincentive to the over weight taking up cycling to get fit

you could cycle and reap the benifits of the massive rights taken away from drivers and bestowed on cyclists. Yep I’m a rural cyclist.
And if you have arthritic hips ? And, of course, there is 'rural' and 'rural'.
Unless you're a pedestrian being mowed down and/or killed by a cyclist. Cyclists are not all angels.
Cyclists very rarely kill pedestrians. 3 last year. It's a popular idea with the gammons but statistically barely significant.
https://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money...d-users-statistically-likely-kill-others.htmlWhile car deaths are split almost 50-50, the majority of casualties when incidents involve larger vehicles such as HGVs, buses and vans are the other road user (seen below in red).
With pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists being the most vulnerable road users, the majority of casualty cases involve themselves.
I really can't get my head around that some on this thread are comparing a cycle to a car as a potential killer, a reality check is needed by those that do, or are they just arguing the case to justify their side of the argument. 🤔
I gave way to a pedestrian on a corner yesterday and the driver behind me somehow managed to stop in time. Methinks, "Was I right to stop?" and I really don't know if I was. If this is what happens when new laws come in, the insurers are not going to be very happy!
I gave way to a pedestrian on a corner yesterday and the driver behind me somehow managed to stop in time. Methinks, "Was I right to stop?" and I really don't know if I was. If this is what happens when new laws come in, the insurers are not going to be very happy!
Yebbut denting a car is nothing compared to breaking someone's leg. In any case the driver behind has to take notice too and be prepared for emergency stops.
I don't think it would stand up in court to plead that hitting the pedestrian was the lesser of the two evils.
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In any case the driver behind has to take notice too and be prepared for emergency stops.
Yup i know that one.
Riding in the city center some years back, the car 3 in front stopped suddenely(driver has spotted a rare free parking space). The car behind them stopped sharply, but obviously closer, the car behind that closer still and i ran into the back of them making a slight dink in the boot.
Being a responsible adult,I didnt make a sharp exit stage left, i apologized to the driver, and we agreed I would pay his £100 excess and both agreed it was the car right in front's fault really by puling up so sharply. And promptly sent him the 100 quid.