I've was given one of those weather station clocks a couple of years ago which measures humidity. I didn't believe that we had a humidity problem but the measure has always been in the 60% to 70% range apart from really dry spells in the summer when it would drop to 55% to 60%.
We always open windows whenever possible, have a cooker extractor to outside and extractors in the bathrooms and open the windows once finished. We don't suffer from mold growth anywhere, we do get a small bit of condensation on the bottoms of the DG when really cold and in the front bedrooms as the large bay windows face north. I've now installed secondary DG and this has helped tremendously.
My question is how do you get the humidity lower without the use of a dehumidifier?
Have recently built a new timber framed and fully insulated workshop and the measurements in there are around 72%.
Any advice will be greatly received.
We always open windows whenever possible, have a cooker extractor to outside and extractors in the bathrooms and open the windows once finished. We don't suffer from mold growth anywhere, we do get a small bit of condensation on the bottoms of the DG when really cold and in the front bedrooms as the large bay windows face north. I've now installed secondary DG and this has helped tremendously.
My question is how do you get the humidity lower without the use of a dehumidifier?
Have recently built a new timber framed and fully insulated workshop and the measurements in there are around 72%.
Any advice will be greatly received.