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Hi all,
My two pen'orth. We all tend to generalise as a nation. 'Yoofs are lazy' & 'Nowt like experience'' but over the years (i'm 50 y'know!!) :? I have found a mix of people who don't fit those categories. I have worked with young & old alike & for learning older ones with the right attitde are great. Sadly I have come accross some whom I would NEVER employ. 'little as poss. to get as much money as poss.' I have also met yoofs whose work ethics & attitude have been far & away more superior to the ones who should know better. Am I making sense here?? I know what I am trying to say in my own cumbersome way. That is to treat each as an individual rather than a representation. In short, though I am not an employer, young & old alike, some I would pay a pound a minute, & t'others I wouldn't pay a pound a week. Hope this helps.
Cheers, sliver. :)
Quite right Silver,
I got my mortgage when I was 19 years old and it was fully paid for before I was 32.

And I was only paid for what I had done and payment collected.
Senior wrote:

a young person with no experience

Might be worth a trawl around the colleges for someone on the younger side with some experience, look in the classified ads in F&C ... correct attitude and a willingness to see things your way are paramount in my view, tho' a younger person may bring fresh ideas to your 'shop which you may not have thought about before - Rob
devonwoody":33vd97va said:
Quite right Silver,
I got my mortgage when I was 19 years old and it was fully paid for before I was 32.

And I was only paid for what I had done and payment collected.

Hi dev, Now come on mate.....13 years to pay off a mortgage??? What on earth were you playing at?? Houses were only 14 quid each back then. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Seriously though John, that was an exellent effort, you must have been proud of yourself the day the last payment was made. Just shows what can be acheived when the right attitude is applied. I know people who are my age & older who never had a job, nor ever intended to. They'll never have what we feel when you go out & buy something with cash you earned for yourself. Don't suppose it'll ever bother them though.

Cheers, sliver. :wink:
Yes Silver your thoughts should become part of school lessons!!!!!!!!!

By the way, I have always considered my retirement also started at 32 years of age :wink: ( I went and bought a taxi plate and used to go out to work when it started raining or something)
Paul, It is true that somepeople are very practically minded and can focus well on one subject, say woodwork, or metalwork. It is a real shame they are not encouraged intio the traditional crafts like they once were.

My collegue Tony, was not the most academically bright at school (if he's reading this I'm dead!LOL) but he makes me sick. he can trun his hand to ANYTHING practical. he'll watch someone else do it - even on telly then just go out and do it himself.. very well!

he spent 8 years rebuilding a thatched cottage including rebuilding the very large swimming pool. I always say that exams are great, but if you're willing to get your hands dirty theres no end to what you can do. Personally I would sooner have Tony with bascially no exams, yet fantasitclly practical, then some uni graduate that went thru a "fast track" program and thinks he knows everything. (No offence to any uni guys here).

I'm sure amongst you there are a few people who have found a complete new lease of life thru doing woodwork.

Actually, just thinking, bit ironic isn't it. Here we are going ona about accademic abilities and the youngsters of today...

and just how do you spell Youf????????

:lol: :lol:
Pecker":mh5c3j5k said:
I always say that exams are great
Crikey :shock: You do?!

Dunno, I've always thought "youf" with a U was a bit too posh to fit the meaning of the word. Yoof gets more hits on Google including definitions amongst the first 10 which Youf doesn't - can we use Google as a Yoof way of defining which is right? :lol:

Cheers, Alf
I completely agree with Marks comments. Was just wondering what people feel being 'bright' is? Im 22 and a cabinet maker, people i know from school are now leaving uni and the first thing they say to me is what uni did you go to. When i reply i haven't and im a cabinet maker they look down their noses. In my opinion wether your academic or not, if you have a skill or something you are good at then you are bright. Why are you only bright if you can read books and remember information and then regurgitate it. Surely someone with skills in any field is just as bright as someone with academic qualifications, so why the stigma?
Well said orangetlh,
As I said in my previous post, we tend to generalise too readily. I know I am just as guilty as the next person on this, so it is best that we do treat people as individuals. Not to sound condescending, but with or without qualifications you do seem to me to be an inteligent & thoughtful man. Stay as you are if you are happy with your lot in life. Lots of cash helps to make things easier in life, but it can't make a person happy or contented on it's own. Good luck in your chosen profession.
Cheers, sliver.
Fully agree, orangeth. Neither of my kids went to university and they are doing far better than all their school mates who did.

Paul Chapman":3bmso21a said:
Fully agree, orangeth. Neither of my kids went to university and they are doing far better than all their school mates who did.


Good for you

but I rather have that my kids go to uni (and they will in September :D )

The best thing a parent can do for his kids is provide an environment to learn and accumulate as much experience as possible.

And sometimes parents do not have the time or knowledge to do so, and there is were paid education kicks in

I also believe that apprentische ships works very well.

But and now it comes. Kids do not have a clue what they want to do in life. so therefore postpone the decission and increase the knowledge base and grow up a bit more before you make that all so important decission in life what to become.

My sons girlfriend works at a local supermarket, and my wife offered to pay for her education and workplace in one of her shops, but she turned it down because she doesn't want to grow up and have responsibilities :?

Like i said earlier it is all a mater of personality, some grow up sooner than others