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      Roysy reacted to Bingy man's post in the thread Boiler suit advice with Like Like.
      I’m 6’ 2” and I brought a pair from Toolstation. They only did one type at time so don’t recall the brand but really comfortable and...
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      Roysy reacted to Seascaper's post in the thread Boiler suit advice with Like Like.
      Hello, I have been wearing Dickies navy boiler suits for years, comfortable to wear lots of good pockets with brass zips and they have...
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      Roysy replied to the thread Boiler suit advice.
      You are assuming I am sane :eek:
    • R
      Roysy replied to the thread Boiler suit advice.
      Thanks, may be something more local but not found such as yet
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      Roysy replied to the thread Boiler suit advice.
      I noted toolstation supply but not sure which ones would be good; reviews were very mixed. The farm supplies shop would be a good call...
    • R
      Roysy replied to the thread Boiler suit advice.
      Thanks for your reply. My current overalls are ex forces and are great for keeping me warm when working outside. They also serve well...
    • R
      I am looking at buying a reasonable boiler suit. I am only 5ft4in so my legs are short by comparison to most of you so I may have to...
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