DOL (direct online starter switch

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O.k do you know what my job was before i had my accident ??? And ll never be little some one LIKE YOU don;t judge a book by it's cover
be thank full you don't know .
mock, Please refrain from getting personal with your posts to people who are trying to help you and more importantly keep you safe.

I have no knowledge of your personal history or any raw deals life has dealt you but the impression I and others are getting from several of your threads is that you do not currently have a very good understanding of mechanical or electrical engineering or perhaps the basics are not now registering with you.

I will tell you now that I personally am worried that you may put yourself at risk using some of the equipment you are setting up if your perceptions of correct and safe use are at the same level as the questions you are asking.

I sincerely recommend that you get tradesmen who are familiar with electrics and machine setup to give things a look over for you.

If this post offends you then I'm afraid for me personally I will have to pass further posts over other than as a moderator.
get a sparks round to give it a once over just in case something untowards is going on.

When the saw starts there is a higher current flow initially than when the motor is running. A C 20 breaker will hold in longer for the start up current on the saw. BUT you should not be then using the saw through the 13 amp plug and socket.

Hope this helps.