A shocking tale...


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Established Member
30 Nov 2015
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Sheffield/Rotherham, S Yorks
Hi all,

For those that remember me visiting regularly over the last year, I've been missing recently because of a tremendous amount of upheaval that's gone off in my life. Allow me to indulge you with a shocking tale...

[removed lots of personal waffle which culminated in me being made redundant after 28 years]

However I quickly realised this wasn't the case; I have savings plus I'd thankfully had a pay off, I own my car, the kids have left home, I'm single(!), I have no commitments so I decided to take a couple of months to clear my head of her and of work and believe me it needed it, I was a total mess.

Within a couple of weeks that grew boring, especially not having company, so I decided to do more scrolling to get my buttocks out of bed. Then I thought "I've never been fast enough to make money doing this, but what if??" - it seems that now is the perfect opportunity to try and if it doesn't work then I'll just get a "real job" again, if it does then result! Either way at least I'll have tried and won't spend my life wondering "what if?"

So I've been making stuff, Xmas stuff, bespoke stuff, set up a website, bought packaging etc etc etc. I'm still not exactly doing 40 hours a week, so much time is spent on paperwork & designing, I'm still making a loss (not as much as doing nothing) but I'm happy, I'll be happy to survive on 1/3 what I was on previously because I'm doing my own thing at my own speed in my own time - my only regret is that I didn't do it sooner so I could have made stock for Xmas and also booked craft fairs and stalls. I have long term plans and hope to weather it through to next Xmas as a minimum because I'll keep making Xmas stock whenever I'm not busy.

So every cloud does have a silver lining! I'm not sure how she can sleep at night but I've moved on and strangely it seems she's triggered the best thing that's happened to me in donkey's years.

Wish me luck!
Aggrajag":17ud01ic said:
Then I thought "I've never been fast enough to make money doing this, but what if??" - it seems that now is the perfect opportunity to try and if it doesn't work then I'll just get a "real job" again, if it does then result! Either way at least I'll have tried and won't spend my life wondering "what if?"

So every cloud does have a silver lining! I'm not sure how she can sleep at night but I've moved on and strangely it seems she's triggered the best thing that's happened to me in donkey's years.

Wish me luck!

Good for you. Can't write any more than that. It seems trivial to try.
All the best and I wish you the very best of luck. I'm sure it will work out and in the end what have you lost? A situation where you were unhappy on all fronts. Onwards and upwards. Who knows what the future holds? Sometimes it's frightening but it reminds you you're alive doesn't it? Good for you.
Although a tale, not tinged but in fact doused, in sadness it is a tale that makes me smile. I'm sure you have, and will continue to have, regrets, sadness, and grief for what was, but in all likelihood we only have one crack at this thing called life so it would be a waste to not enjoy it.
Hi Aggrajag,

Very best wishes for the future, more often than not life changes are forced not planned but that doesn't mean they are bad.

I remember Chippy Geoff of this parish, he does/did scroll sawing and craft shows and he did a post on his experiences of doing it. There is a great deal of satisfaction being involved in doing something practical, there are however never enough hours in the day. I dont know if you are interested in CNC, but maybe the scroll sawing could be combined with manufacturing from a home CNC machine utilising your IT background but producing something creative and maybe a potential for quick manufacture. I guess it would have to be quite clever as Ive heard the market for CNC stuff is becoming saturated.
best of luck with your business, you will get quicker, more accurate as your hand to eye coordination kicks in. Keep looking for new ideas, revisit old ones. Hobbies weekly used to have lots of projects and ideas. using a modern scanner/printer plans have never been easier to produce. I have lots of hobbies weekly magazines that I will be selling eventually so keep an eye open in the appropriate forum.
Very sorry that all those bad things happened to you, you have had a hard time of it, glad that you seem to have got your life back again. Best of luck to you.

As others say, would be nice to see your website. :)
Good luck with your new venture.

I had a similar experience work wise, with a fairly acrimonious departure from a very well paid job.

My mind still occasionally wanders into "what might have been" mode, then I have to remind myself that it was actually the best thing that ever happened to me. We are far, far happier now.

I am sure it will be the same for you, just enjoy what you are doing and as long as you make enough to make ends meet I am sure that you will have a much better quality of life.

Best Wishes

Good luck with the new venture and your future life, sometimes it has to get bad before it gets better.

I've never had the breakup experience, 45 years anniversary next March (who posted about the Kray twins? :lol: ) but was in a very well paid job and had 2 companies I worked for go bust in 4 years. I'd always wanted to work for myself but was to cowardly to take the leap, easy to make excuses but difficult to give up a good secure salary, company car, holidays etc when you have 2 young kids and a mortage.

Anyway, the last redundancy gave me the push I needed and though the first couple of years were hard, the 15 that followed just got better and better and because I kept it to a size I could manage without employing loads of people it stayed enjoyable and stress free. Retirement however is heaven. :D

Keep at it, you've got a good attitude.

Sorry to hear about your breakup have been through one when I was a very young man and it does through your life out of kilter however pleased to see you have started to work at what you enjoy most which is therapy in itself I am sure in time you will also find a nice lady in your life I did and like Bob above next week we celebrate our 45 year anniversary also.
Thank you all for your kind and supportive words, they really do mean a lot to me. I've been reading them on my phone over the weekend but I hate typing at length on that and I've had 7 University students stopping courtesy of my son so not been on the PC. Argh the chaos!

I was reflecting last night whilst in bed and realised that I am 99% cured of my ex, I don't miss her per se but of course miss the happy times we'd had. Business wise my Xmas orders have already dried up because I daren't advertise for fear of letting people down, and I have no stock left. I've done OK for my first month; I've sold 18 Schwibbogen and 8 individual pieces including an LP I'm very proud of.

It's early days, I need to work on my own designs to mass produce for next Christmas, and start advertising in the New Year. I still need to keep practicing (and documenting so that I remember!) the finishes for different types of wood, I'm tempted to go buy some spray-on car undercoat from Halfords and see how that works on pine. I've made my own wax (beeswax/mineral oil melted combo) which looks fantastic on Oak.

I'm also taking notes of different blades on different stack sizes, playing about with which ones to use and sometimes surprising myself - of course trying to live off this hobby I need to up the speed wherever I can. And yes, making two or more of everything at once if it's a saleable option.

It's all new, I'm still playing, but I'm happy knowing that if the worst happens I'll just get a real job again doing anything I can find, I'll not starve.

Thank you all.

I'm reluctant on many levels to give you my website as my produce pales into insignificance against a lot of the stuff I see on this forum, plus many of the gallery items are things I created last year because I don't have much to actually display. However I'm steadily building up my gallery, a lot of which I can't display yet because they're upcoming birthday/xmas presents, so there'll be better stuff to display next month. I'm also awaiting images back from a semi-pro photographer which should be better quality/layout; most of the original photos were ones I'd taken for myself never thinking they'd be used professionally. (note kitchen roll, kettle, wires, carpet, whatever in each shot!)

It is a nice website and I wish I had the skill to make a website like that also like your products they are very well presented
I have had similar upheaval at certain points in my life. Lost a good job in 1991 and decided to go self employed. 25 years later i'm still earning what i want to earn and now work mainly from home, earning enough to pay my way and never been happier. I'm sat here now deciding what time i am going to start today and it's very liberating. Good luck to you in your venture.
Keep at it. If I could make one constructive suggestion? On your web site it is important that the images look perfect as people will make assumptions from that about your craftsmanship. A lot of the pictures show rough edges and finish flaws - and the lighting (very nice) tends to exacerbate this effect. I would either pay attention to extra edge and surface finishing for anything photographed, or get busy with photoshop.
bigbob1":gxpf4kc9 said:
It is a nice website and I wish I had the skill to make a website like that also like your products they are very well presented
Thanks bigbob but I can't really take credit for it despite having been in IT for 28 years because website design just wasn't my area, I used the website www.wix.com and it's all pretty much drag and drop. There's even a free option if you don't want the store.
AJB Temple":2zslyvja said:
Keep at it. If I could make one constructive suggestion? On your web site it is important that the images look perfect as people will make assumptions from that about your craftsmanship. A lot of the pictures show rough edges and finish flaws - and the lighting (very nice) tends to exacerbate this effect. I would either pay attention to extra edge and surface finishing for anything photographed, or get busy with photoshop.

Thanks AJB, it's definitely something I'm looking at, I posted earlier today with a similar point about the photos, but yes I'll double check the edges. Not so sure about Photoshop though, that's cheating :)

[edit: I've realised that the worst image (The Santa Schwibbogen, where he's landed, not flying) was a pre-complete photo where I'd not filed off flakes. Best sort that!]