Wood shows on SKY


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Established Member
12 Feb 2005
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Where have all of the woodie shows gone from SKY? There used to be Cutting Edge Woodworker, Great British Woodshop, John's Workshop etc and not forgetting Norm. I haven't seen any for ages except that buffoon that does the Salvager - the least talented of all of them.
Rob, I know what you mean. There has been a distinct lack of anything of interest on the fishing channel. A while back they were running NYW and TOH early in the morning but even that seems to have disappeared. They must have got that Salvager bloke cheap, they seem very reluctant to shell out on more recent episodes of NYW, despite the audience this would draw :norm:
I cancelled my sky subscription many months ago due to the lack of wood stuff. I also had a bit of a rant at sky when I cancelled to tell them exactly why I was cancelling - nice to see that I had no impact what so ever!!!!!

You used to be able to watch episodes of Great British Woodshop on an American web site. I think it was The Woodworking Channel, or something like that.

Mark H
Yes it's a shame,fishing 24/7.

If you look past the used material's you will see the "Salvager" is
the only bloke with Talent.Everybody else has training/experience,
Talent is something different.
I'd like to see Norm making a table incorporating a car axle. :)
Andy you are making a joke????

Some of the x factor people think they have talent ......
The salvager drops into this niche....

Abstract stuff does not last,,,not like chippendale which when you look at it still sets the standard today in furniture design.

Car parts are for cars.

There are leaders and there are sheep. I wouldnt say 'Le Salvager' is trailblazing anything new but I'm sure Chippendale did in his time. And he was bucking the traditionalists and establishment as well. To just repeat the past is a little boring, no?
Depends if you fancy sitting on a Piston, instead of comfy crafted seat.

Chippendale wasn't trail blazing in his designs, as he once said ,'A chair is a Chair, depends what sort of craftsman put it together.

The salvager just does not fit into, 'craftsman', status.

It's entertaining TV, because everyone asks....'would you have that........in your house?????

I see NYW is back on Real Time Extra at 11am today. Its the arts and crafts mirror and the Bermuda bench/table. It always seems to be the Bremuda bench/table one :? :norm:
And that's the first one for ages - I remember there being loads on back in 2002/2003.