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      worker replied to the thread Starrett square - rule damage.
      I would be interested to know this as well
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      worker replied to the thread Starrett square - rule damage.
      Starrett have confirmed they will replace it
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      worker replied to the thread Thought on AI.
      AI is great for knocking up boilerplate code as part of my job. Need to knock up a quick webserver in Python? Use ChatGPT. Need a high...
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      worker replied to the thread Starrett square - rule damage.
      The 'D' part has no visible imperfections or discolouring. In the last picture, there is black line inside where it meets the steel so...
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      worker replied to the thread Starrett square - rule damage.
      It says hardened on it, I expected it to be a lot tougher. It's seen very light use
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      I bought my Starrett combi kit (435ME-300) just over a year ago and today while doing some oiling, I noticed loads of bumps, ridges and...
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      worker replied to the thread Plane Blade Squareness.
      Rather than this endless back and forth which makes the forum very tedious, I suggest simply ignoring anyone who has a habit of...
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      worker replied to the thread Plane Blade Squareness.
      Op, use whatever gets you the desired result within a time period that works for you. Don't listen to naysayers about grinders. Yes, it...
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      worker replied to the thread Double fail for Amazon.
      I recommend buying high value electronics that can be easily faked outside of Amazon and directly from the manufacturer or a trusted...
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      worker replied to the thread Parkside. Domain with privacy guard on whois info, registered for shopify, created 18 days ago, no...
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      Anyone mentioned Rag 'n' Bone Brown yet? Not strictly woodworking, loads of...
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      worker reacted to Yojevol's post in the thread No 3 plane too small with Like Like.
      I've always been under the impression that a #3 is just a narrow #4. In view of the comments here, I thought I would check. Here's a...
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