Women drivers


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Established Member
19 Sep 2011
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Nr. Swansea
I do a fair bit of driving and now and again I get so mad at women drivers I encounter. It's not that I am ever in a rush but what infuriates me is when I come to a junction and I want to turn right as I did this morning. A car is appraoching from my left and indicating it's going to turn right into the road where I am and it's to close for me to pull out and the road I am on is very narrow. It is obvious to the woman that it is going to be a very tight squeeze. Now, if this was a male driver he would flash his lights for me to pull out thus making it a lot easier for him but not this woman, No, she makes her turn and then comes to an abrupt halt with half her car still on the main road and then gives me a look that could kill, as if it is my fault that she can't squeeze past me. I just do not understand the logic of womaen drivers.

You have probably noticed if you are following a car with two women in the front that when they talk, as they do ten to the dozen, that they have to look at each other when they chat. Also when they come to a roundabout they slow right down and almost stop, even though there is nothing coming. Have you seen them when they get into a car. I often observe them getting into their cars in supermarket car parks, when they put the key in the ignition they have to look for the hole instead of just putting it in like we men do. One woman got in her car, slammed the door shut, reached for her hand bag to find the keys and then opened the door again so she could lean out in order to see where the key went.

There. I feel better now.
Do you spend a lot of time watching women in car parks? :lol: I hope you keep both hands on the steering wheel. :roll:
Women are safer drivers then men, according to everybody except the Daily Mail, so it must be true.
Down here in sunny Devon there seems to be equal male and female silly person and careless drivers.
I think that the younger females are apparently fearless and don't see any danger, much like the dreaded scooter riders on their way to college.
I'm very sure that i rode with a lot more care when I was 16 or 17!
It's grey and drizzly today, but I had to take my car to the garage for a service and investigation into why the battery light is on all the time. So put the bike in the back and hoped the heavens didn't open on the way back. The garage is in St Junien so, it's down to the Vienne and up again :(

Got to the garage and found the only space at the front is blocked by a female in a Mondeo, who is chatting to one of the sales reps. Patiently wait and after a few minutes they say their goodbyes and she gets into the car. As she is already parked parallel to the road, she puts the indicator on and we wait. And wait. And wait. There are several large gaps in the traffic, which for some reason she chooses to ignore. At last she moves off and in doing so stoves in the rear passenger door of a passing Citroen C3 :shock: :shock: :shock: Everything stops. She reverses back to where she came from (still blocking the space :evil:) and I give up and reverse into the 'new car' area and park there.
It's to do with their brains, ( and before anyone jumps in, I know that there are exceptions and it's not true across the board, both ways, with men and women) but women generally do not have as good spacial awareness as men, hence the problems judging spaces , parking etc with many women drivers. Couple that to an often huge lack of confidence and a healthy dose of fear, and we have the results noted. Now, if you agree with Jacob that all that makes them safer, fair enough, I guess over cautiousness and driving slowly will cause less accidents. ( However, the view that everything in the Daily Mail is a lie or fascist propaganda is somewhat simplistic...) However, it's very frustrating for all of us who have to sit behind them while its going on........I read an article by a lady columnist the other day in the observer in which she described driving as "one of the few occupations we have to do where as humans we have to consciously avoid trying not to kill each other" and went on to list all the other female cliches about driving such as the virility / car size one etc.... Your average male driver thinks and works very differently, although not necessarily better - you for example hardly ever see a car being driven really fast in inappropriate situations by a lady driver. Yesterday, for example I was overtaken in a 20 limit, outside a school, by 2 carloads of asian lads , racing each other, cutting blind corners and driving like complete ****s. I made a mental prayer that I would get around the corner and see them embedded in a building or something....

However, what really take the biscuit for driving incompetence are african lady drivers.....I get to see all varieties, colours etc here in London and they are definitely in a league of their own.........
MMUK":y0g4vy8n said:
bugbear":y0g4vy8n said:
Males are so much better on the road.




Being a biker of many years with a racing history, I cannot for the life of me understand why he crossed to the opposite carriageway like he did. Pineappling silly person! It's his own fault!

Looks like he'll be hearing from the local constabulary - much deserved !
... and the car driver might be looking for some compensation for the laundry bill too :shock:
I really do have to agree about women drivers not giving way. Each morning I drive past a school with cars lining each side of the road so drivers have to give way to oncoming traffic. I can guarantee that a majority of the women drivers will not give way but a majority of the male drivers will. :roll:
It was just complete lack of skill........that was a really tame corner and the bike could have gone around it at that speed plus 50% all day long..............when you learn to ride a bike on a track, you will be amazed at how far you can lean and fast you can corner. The guys was just riding way outside his ability and despite the fact that you could very easily see because of the lack of hedges etc how the road went and how sharp etc the corner was.

Unfortunately, it's a common problem with many drivers. Yet strangely enough, people demonstrating amazing skill and control of their vehicle, are often pilloried as irresponsible idiots. Being able to back it in to a corner, wheelie and drift the rear indicate consummate skill and control, but not according to the Police ( of course, context is everything - where and when you do this stuff is vitally important and sound judgement in this is as important as the skill at being able to carry it out) and I imagine a fair number of people here.

Glad he learned a valuable lesson and did not take anyone else out coming the other way.

Cheers, Mark
Having survived riding motorbikes, as yet, unscathed, I, too, wonder what the rider was doing there.
I detect some serious...

I feel sure I could have taken that corner at that speed on my bike! and I have only been riding for a year. :roll: looks like he has never heard of counter steering. :lol: Not that I am an expert but it was a lack of skill on his part. luckily he survived to tell the tale.
mailee":akdt1pak said:
I really do have to agree about women drivers not giving way. Each morning I drive past a school with cars lining each side of the road so drivers have to give way to oncoming traffic. I can guarantee that a majority of the women drivers will not give way but a majority of the male drivers will. :roll:

+1. Nor do they understand the concept of "merging in turn" when 2 lanes become one. They stare straight ahead, determined not to establish eye contact. I'm sure some would rather cause an accident than let someone in.
bugbear":ht28i6f6 said:
Males are so much better on the road.




The fact that he is filming himself riding tells you that he thinks he's much better than he is , if it's to help improve his skills then he should be filmed from a bike following him ,that will show him what a numpty he is .....the local plod will nick him for crossing the double white lines ..twice .

I didn't quite catch his name on the clip ....was it Warwick Hunt .?????

As for women drivers ,they are not genetically predisposed to spatial awareness but are predisposed to never giving way or being wrong and most shouldn't be allowed to drive ,I spent years looking for Miss Right but i didn't find out until i'd married her that her first name was Always , but having said that there are some very good women drivers , i'm married to a Advanced Driving Instructor , she's so good she can drive from the back seat .
The one that gets my goat the most is when there is a junction with two lines of traffic coming from opposite directions, both waiting to turn right across the other. Instead of simply turning across the face of each other, they will attempt to turn through the waiting traffic coming the other way.....result, no one can turn....just amazes me how someone cannot see what will happen if you don't pass in front of each other........

@cowboy builder - see you are sometimes in Almeria? Know it well, done at least 10 track days there....great roads & scenery
I've just had a classic on the way back from *cough* Screwfix.

Didn't realise the Villa were at home so I diverted from Aston up the M6 and off at J7. Came round the back lanes and down onto Beacon Road. In front of me is an ethnic lady, at a guess mid 30's, in a 56 plate BMW 3 Series. She indicates to turn left on to Wimperis Way, slows down and starts to turn. As there was nothing coming up the other way I moved over to the white line to pass. At this point there is another lady in a Citroen people carrier full of young kids coming up to the junction on Wimperis Way and wanting to turn onto Beacon Road. As I am in the middle of going round this BMW, which by this time is nearly clear of the junction, she suddenly decides she wants to continue down Beacon Road and turns violently across the path of the people carrier and almost into the side of me. The icing on the cake is that she is still indicating a left turn and has the cheek to give me the fingers when I admonish her with my air horns :roll: :roll: :roll:
MMUK":gvnnft0i said:
I've just had a classic on the way back from *cough* Screwfix.

Didn't realise the Villa were at home so I diverted from Aston up the M6 and off at J7. Came round the back lanes and down onto Beacon Road. In front of me is an ethnic lady, at a guess mid 30's, in a 56 plate BMW 3 Series. She indicates to turn left on to Wimperis Way, slows down and starts to turn. As there was nothing coming up the other way I moved over to the white line to pass. At this point there is another lady in a Citroen people carrier full of young kids coming up to the junction on Wimperis Way and wanting to turn onto Beacon Road. As I am in the middle of going round this BMW, which by this time is nearly clear of the junction, she suddenly decides she wants to continue down Beacon Road and turns violently across the path of the people carrier and almost into the side of me. The icing on the cake is that she is still indicating a left turn and has the cheek to give me the fingers when I admonish her with my air horns :roll: :roll: :roll:

Stupid pineappling female dog :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
My pet hate are the women who drop their children off at the local primary school. It's a very narrow lane and they seem to think that the parking area occupies all of it. It's perfectly reasonable that they might temporarily block the lane to through traffic while they drop off little Johnnie but no, they have to stand there and yak..yak..yak. Then, if you have the temerity to gently toot the horn, they balefully glare at you.

It's either them or bloody walkers who leave their dogs off the lead. And think that the stock proof fence is a personal challenge to destroy just so they can get their dog through. :evil: