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      brocher replied to the thread Sideways Pincers but for what.
      I don't know if this helps, but something similar for sale on eBay - - says it is used in...
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      brocher replied to the thread Bosch PBS 75 Belt sander.
      An update. I decided on a bodge job. I filed a groove in the sprocket hole as a sloping vee shape so that it would align with the flat...
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      brocher reacted to Stan's post in the thread Car tax / road fund licence with Like Like.
      "all"? implies there are many out there. You would be shocked by how few are actually out and about. The livery is not about...
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      brocher replied to the thread Buying from Europe.
      It's not the EU punishing us, it's the brexiteers punishing us! They still spout out through the right wing press, their shameful think...
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      brocher reacted to Ozi's post in the thread Buying from Europe with Like Like.
      In my old job trying to get prototype car parts into the UK was a nightmare, the reason was that customs were so inconsistent, paperwork...
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      brocher reacted to Rhossydd's post in the thread Buying from Europe with Like Like.
      It's pretty well documented now; in two words misinformation and ignorance. Neither major party is prepared to admit it was wrong and...
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      brocher replied to the thread Bosch PBS 75 Belt sander.
      Hi, thanks everyone. I am going to be occupied with one of my nieces' weddings this weekend so haven't had the opportunity so far to...
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      brocher replied to the thread Bosch PBS 75 Belt sander.
      Thanks Andrew, I have just got round to trying to order it and while I can put the item in my basket when I try to check out it still...
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      brocher replied to the thread Bosch PBS 75 Belt sander.
      Hi, thanks that’s a useful thought. It might be easier for me to bodge together with a small taper lock piece of metal and glue that in...
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      brocher replied to the thread Bosch PBS 75 Belt sander.
      Thanks for this. I have had another look and it is aluminium/alloy but with a steel/alloy (I think) sleeve which has worn away...
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      brocher replied to the thread Bosch PBS 75 Belt sander.
      Not to worry. Thanks for looking.
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      brocher replied to the thread Bosch PBS 75 Belt sander.
      That’s what I’m beginning to think . Thanks yes the flats inside the sprocket have failed completely
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      brocher replied to the thread Bosch PBS 75 Belt sander.
      Hi ChaiLatte. I have to hold my hands up - that post was me as well! I did manage to get the sander going by tightening the nut holding...
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      brocher replied to the thread Bosch PBS 75 Belt sander.
      Thanks Sideways, actually I do have a friendly model engineer next door to me! But my problem is that the sprocket needs to have two...
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      brocher replied to the thread Bosch PBS 75 Belt sander.
      Hi Phill05, thanks. I have attached photos showing the part. it's 4cm at its widest on the teeth (i haven't measured the flange), and...
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