Variable Speed - Euro No Volts Release Switch

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5 Oct 2014
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Sunny Glasgow
Funny little question, probably more aimed at turners as their machines appear to have variable speed controllers as well as no volt release switches.

Many moons ago I added a short extension lead what had a built in variable controller for use with table lights, to a drill to see if I could vary the speed using that as the drill was single speed. It worked very well and the extension lead controller varied the speed of the drill no problem.
Would such a vari control lead work with anything else, especially given a no volts switch might be affected by whatever change in the power the extension caused in it.
Standard belt/disc combination sanders are single speed for the majority, and I was wondering if I could add such a switch to give me variable speed control over mainly the belt, or would adjusting it cause the no volts switch to trip ?.

Im thinking the small box of tricks usually connected to lathes might have some added circuit in it to prevent the switch from tripping if you adjust it while running.

Anyone know ?

I think you can also get plug in dimmer adaptors(again aimed i would think at light fittings(lamps rather than built in systems like downlighters) The same question applies.
It all depends upon the type of motor, Ac/Dc/single phase/three phase/stepper etc and what it is driving and how you wish to use it. Some motors are fixed speed whilst others with the aid of electronics to control the frequency can but within a range.
Your little variable speed unit works for lights, it works for brush motor tools like old school electric drills, sanders, angle grinders and the like, also electric heaters PROVIDED they are low enough power. There are plenty of power tools in the 1000W and up category. I doubt a lighting dimmer is rated anywhere near that - more like 300 to 500W - so actually not many tools in practice.
It WON'T work with the induction motor in any half decent machine and it won't be powerful enough for the big brush motors used in mitre saws, cheap tablesaws, big routers, corded circ saws, etc.
If the device is useful to you, you can probably buy a gizmo like it but intended and rated for tools upto say 2kW for relatively modest money. They've been available for decades. "Power tool speed controller" or some such.
Regards a lathe. Bigger ones use induction motors so not compatible. Smaller ones tend to be brush motors with their own electronic controls. So don't mix and match.
Basically - anything that merits an NVR switch is a machine. Your speed controller is useful with handheld power tools. They don't need an NVR, they have a trigger.