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I was just pointing out you could while away the time and create your own KFC and with much better quality chicken, probably

oh :dunno: as I walk off munching on my own homemade big mac after finding out the secret sauce is just Danish remoulade
Announcement today that they are planning to get all over 50's vaccinated by end of May. That covers 99.9% of potential deaths. I wonder then if they will bother doing the under 50's (unless they have a co-morbidity). Seems to me to be a waste of time and they would be better concentrating on looking at ongoing immunity in the older age groups as it would only be a few months before those vaccinated in Dec 2020 would be needing a booster for Autumn/Winter this year possibly tweaked for a new variant.

yes, they will do under 50 - people under 50 can still have significant numbers of moderate cases and keep viral load in the community to mutate. immunity in the older groups will be concurrent with boosters or mutations.
Regardless of what's in KFC I am sitting here thinking I've extended the lifespan of people who are already overdue to die by normal standards whilst pissing away 12 months of my prime and not being able to do anything I enjoy. Yes that's selfish, but the old crumblies who are dying in homes are the ones who voted for Thatcherism which led to people being selfish in the first place so sympathy votes are slim to none. Actually, they're not slim, they're none.

Hey stop stealing my schtick, I am the cold, selfish and heartless one here apparently. You'll have to face the "wrath" of Robin and Rafezetter if you carry on and they'll have you shaking in your boots! lol.
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yes, they will do under 50 - people under 50 can still have significant numbers of moderate cases and keep viral load in the community to mutate. immunity in the older groups will be concurrent with boosters or mutations.

I am not so sure, but we'll see. If they do the under 50's it certainly won't be a long term thing like flu jabs, very quickly it will become apparent that it's a waste of time and money and only the vulnerable need be vaccinated just like we have always done.
Depends what angle you are looking from.

Well we don't give under 65's the flu jab currently and they are actually more susceptible to flu than they are to C19. We do give it to very young children though because they are at risk from flu, we wouldn't give them a C19 vac because they are almost entirely unaffected by it.
Regardless of what's in KFC I am sitting here thinking I've extended the lifespan of people who are already overdue to die by normal standards whilst pissing away 12 months of my prime and not being able to do anything I enjoy. Yes that's selfish, but the old crumblies who are dying in homes are the ones who voted for Thatcherism which led to people being selfish in the first place so sympathy votes are slim to none. Actually, they're not slim, they're none.
The average loss of life of those who've died is about 11 years, apparently. And I'm sure lots of people dying old people's homes didn't vote for Thatcher.
My Daughter had her jab today and is proper poorly, 18 year old and just started working in a surgery. 1/2 hour after the
jab felt sick and started passing out. She was helping with the Jabs in a local hospital so good place to be taken ill i suppose, had a call to pick her up at 11 and she is still feeling unwell tonight.
So don't expect all the jabs to go without problems !
Well we don't give under 65's the flu jab currently and they are actually more susceptible to flu than they are to C19. We do give it to very young children though because they are at risk from flu, we wouldn't give them a C19 vac because they are almost entirely unaffected by it.
I had it and I’m 55.
Regardless of what's in KFC I am sitting here thinking I've extended the lifespan of people who are already overdue to die by normal standards whilst pissing away 12 months of my prime and not being able to do anything I enjoy. Yes that's selfish, but the old crumblies who are dying in homes are the ones who voted for Thatcherism which led to people being selfish in the first place so sympathy votes are slim to none. Actually, they're not slim, they're none.
Thatcher believed in a free market economy not a regulated economy with Nationalised industries. The exception to this was the NHS and her successful election campaigns of 1983 and 1987 emphasised her commitment to the NHS. Thatcherism was not about being selfish.

Your attitude is to allow the people working in the NHS to be overwhelmed by an onslaught of sick people. If you were to have a serious illness it would likely remain untreated leaving you to suffer unless you were in danger of Imminent death.

Blaming your admitted selfishness on Thatcher and the 44% of voters who voted for her is ridiculous.
Well we don't give under 65's the flu jab currently and they are actually more susceptible to flu than they are to C19. We do give it to very young children though because they are at risk from flu, we wouldn't give them a C19 vac because they are almost entirely unaffected by it.
I think the reasoning is the under 65s don't die of flu but they can be asymptomatic with Covid and simply transmit it. So they don't need the flu jab unless they have underlying conditions and do need the Covid jab.
Regardless of what's in KFC I am sitting here thinking I've extended the lifespan of people who are already overdue to die by normal standards whilst pissing away 12 months of my prime and not being able to do anything I enjoy. Yes that's selfish, but the old crumblies who are dying in homes are the ones who voted for Thatcherism which led to people being selfish in the first place so sympathy votes are slim to none. Actually, they're not slim, they're none.
I'm hearing my Dad's voice at this juncture "you might mock son but you'll be old one day". Whilst you're sat in your workshop try and take comfort in the fact that you're not asymptomatically transmitting the virus to those 'old crumblies' regardless of their political bent.
According to the Guardian, (One in five in England have had Covid, modelling suggests), 12 million had already been infected with the coronavirus by the beginning of January and are therefore immune. You can add all the January infections, known and unknown. If another 10 or 11 million have been vaccinated, assuming that the two groups don't overlap to a great degree, then we are looking at nearly half the population. This is almost in herd immunity territory, and will only get closer as time goes on. Herd immunity is a bit of a moving target, but in the old days it used to be 1-1/R0. We can all have fun disagreeing on what the R0 number is...

In theory, the number of new infections should fall off a cliff any day now. If they don't, why not?
According to the Guardian, (One in five in England have had Covid, modelling suggests), 12 million had already been infected with the coronavirus by the beginning of January and are therefore immune. You can add all the January infections, known and unknown. If another 10 or 11 million have been vaccinated, assuming that the two groups don't overlap to a great degree, then we are looking at nearly half the population. This is almost in herd immunity territory, and will only get closer as time goes on. Herd immunity is a bit of a moving target, but in the old days it used to be 1-1/R0. We can all have fun disagreeing on what the R0 number is...

In theory, the number of new infections should fall off a cliff any day now. If they don't, why not?

The lockdown is working, it's bringing down the infection rate
Add to that the vaccine roll out, yes we should hopefully see it come down.

Bear in mind that hospitals are now able to treat Covid, which is good, however it means patients are in ICU for longer than typical ICU stays. Instead of the usual 7-10 days, they may be there for 40 or 50 days.
So hospital capacity won't improve quickly.
Other than if it’s on the basis of individual medical advice I don’t see why anyone would choose not to be vaccinated. It’s free and the scientific advice is to have it. It could also be a requirement before being able to take a holiday which may persuade some that it’s a good idea.
Had my AZ vaccine yesterday afternoon, in and out in 4 minutes very efficient. About 3 am this morning I began to shiver then shake, I have never been so cold, chest pains, short of breath, reminded me of my heart attack 2 years ago.
The side affects have been reported with the Corvid yellow card and my GP.
Needless to say I will not be having my second jab.

How do you reckon your body would react to the real thing?
The evidence on asymptomatic transmission of C19 is pretty sketchy. Pre (or early)-symptomatic definitely occurs as in almost all viral infections, but asymptomatic is probably very low. It's worth pointing out flu can also be transmitted in the same way, though again the numbers are sketchy as it's very hard to test. Plenty of articles on google going back many years if you care to look (and if it fits your narrative)
We are told that you can transmit without symptoms as a precaution more than anything else, we will get better figures in the future, hence why I say regular vaccination for under 50's is unlikely to be common going forward but may well occur for the next year or two. If the vulnerable are vaccinated every year like with flu then asymptomatic transmission isn't an issue anyway as long as it is only spreading in groups who suffer no symptoms or very mild symptoms, again it would be like flu, the majority of those who get flu every year get a mild illness or don't even know they have it and we don't fuss about it.

Vaccination may be necessary for travel, though my suspicion is again this will be a short term thing and possibly age related. Vaccination for general activities within the UK will definitely not be mandatory, they can't even force it on healthcare workers now so they definitely won't be making me have one to go to the pub! lol
There isn't a severe lockdown though, is there?

Schools are at 30% to 50% capacity
Rush hour is mega busy around here
Have to agree. The difference between the first lockdown and now is very noticeable. Much more traffic and so many packed retail parks, full of people visiting shops that are now apparently 'essential' but weren't first time round. No wonder it's taking us so long to get a grip of it.
I am a little undecided about the vaccine.

Especially as they have just started saying that maybe you can get one from Pfizer first and then maybe whatever other one is in stock second.
This just seems too random, there are 3 different technologies in the vaccines and this is getting into pure experiment on the people territory.
They are not testing for antibodies before giving the jabs so some people's first jab is effectively the second dose if they have had covid then they will be effectively having a third.

I get the principle of herd immunity and all that but it is all a bit fishy.
I have been concerned since the government decided that they would just give drug companies "immunity " (sorry) from prosecution if anything goes wrong.
I do not believe Pfizer etc. would have dared to start mass vaccination if they could be prosecuted for any problem.

I am sure we will all eventually have to have it and my parents will be going soon.

The situation overall just seems really sketchy.

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