Super Dust Deputy Cyclone

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Interesting. It looks well made apart from the skimping on the welding. Is it all in 'true'? Does the paint job look as good as it does in the pic?
Miles - I have been corresponding with "Steven" - don't know his surname, but I assume it's the same guy.

They just aren't originals. If you carefully read his first response, it is quite clear that they've been made over here (something he's confirmed in later messages) to the "same spec". I've told him that I think this should have been made clear in the listing - otherwise, buyers have been misled.

My Paypal payment went to Oneida Air UK or similair.

He's offered to send a courier to collect the cyclone and give me a full refund. As you say, the holes around the welding will cause leaks in the system.


Goodness - all so unnecessary.
Very concerned now - I don't want something that has to be bodged with sealant and will not be happy messing around with a double dose of couriers.
Yes, does look rough, but sealed up it might work well, all depends how much you paid for it and how pineappled off you are that the seller committed fraud

It was £101 with p&p, but it's the principle which has really f'd me off. I suppose it might work fine if sealed up, but then again what if it doesn't - the seller has a legit reason to refuse a refund.
Sorry to hear you got bum one Karl. :(
I bought the smaller one. It arrived today, its an original dust deputy cyclone deluxe two buckets and hose. I'm absolutely thrilled with it. £65 delivered.
Karl looking at the price of cyclones I'd look at getting that one working, maybe get a bit of money knocked off.
What size is the inlet?

Cheers Alex.
Well that makes me feel $hitloads better Alex :lol:

The inlet (top section) is 6", extractor connection end is 5".

I've got a pair of extractors running in tandom which give a massive amount of suck, and I thought this cyclone would fit in well with the system.

I'm going to contact the seller seeking an offer, or it's going back.


Karl- I ask as I have the jet 2hp extractor which has 6" in/out and was seriously thinking cyclone. At the mo I've got pleated RB filter on and thein baffler, works fairly good.
My smaller one just arrived too.
Full Kit with two buckets, hose and all fittings. Works very well. Very happy.
Si - is it a genuine Oneida?

Has anybody else received the Super Dust Deputy yet?

I've had a respone from the seller saying that he won't re-negotiate on the purchase price, so he's sending a courier to collect on Monday.


To be a bit of a devil's advocate. Don't know how well or otherwise the Dust Deputy works, but without working through the minutiae the unit in the photo looks like a decent fabrication. The inlet is probably stitch welded the way it is to avoid distortion, and should seal up easily enough.

If it's accurately to a set of dimensions that work, then it's surely not a bad deal - even if it is made locally.

'Works' can be a bit of a broad church, in that it's not hard to drop out the chips, but the very fine (dangerous) dust is another matter. Establishing this ideally needs testing the exhaust with a dust particle counter, so if it was me I'd be looking for evidence of this having been done. Since many of these particles are pretty much invisible the average punter saying their unit is great may not amount to this.

Some of the Oneida units are vertically a bit shorter than some would recommend, and the round inlet is said by some to be less than optimum too - but then you hear many positive reports about their stuff. The same goes for the Thien trash can separators.

Maybe the core issue is not so much the fabrication as this question of how well they work on fine dust (so that there is minimal carry over into the filters and out into the shop). It'd be nice if there was some independent test certification available, but even if there isn't they do seem to sell quite a few....
Which makes it all the more frustrating.

Ian - my unit wouldn't be any good with fine dust - there's daylight visible through some of the joints in the fab.

I hope other purchasers have better luck than I did.


OK Karl. All I'm suggesting is that if it's straight and dimensionally correct then the need to run a bead of silicone or whatever to seal the joints might not be a big deal - most ductwork fabricators use sealants and it's quite probable that this is what Oneida do anyway.

If on the other hand it's just a lousy fab masquerading as something else that's a different matter...
True Ian, but there are a couple of problems with that.

If I start applying silicon to the unit, this gives the seller a perfect excuse not to give a refund. What happens if I use it and it turns out to be completely ineffective due to poor design/construction. I'm left with a non-functioning unit, and the seller could refuse a refund because it has been used/modified.

If the guy had been up front and stated that it wasn't original (unlike the smaller DD's which he has sold which appear to be genuine), i'm not sure i'd have bought in. It was only because the listing showed an image of a genuine Oneida cyclone that I bought it, because that's what I thought I was getting.


No prob Karl. If you can't for whatever reason confirm it's the real deal or at least a decent fab that dimensionally matches it or a good cyclone design you'd be well advised not to touch it...

Just a thought, take plenty of photos & measurements before you send it back & fabricate one yourself, or at least give me the specs when i see you & i`ll give it a go.

:D That's pretty much what I've been driving at Karl/Doug. In the end a cyclone is basically a tin can with a few fairly simple internal parts. If it's reasonably well fabricated to the right dimensions then there's not a lot to go wrong.

I'm sorry if I'm coming across as pedantic or pushy, but the reason I'm saying this is that even if you have a proven set of dimensions and go to a sheet metal place looking to have one made then under €100 is a good price - especially since it looks to be nicely painted too. There's even some additional value in the fact that it's ready made - no waiting, what you see is what you get and no uncertainties regarding whether or not the fab place will mess up or not...

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