This is n to aimed at the 99.9% of participants of Secret Santa.
Having been a member of this forum for nearly 10 years I have learnt so much from other members, some of them that don't post here now, this to me is what the forum is about. For anyone that knows me, they'll say that I've never been involved, or started any contentious posts, I'm afraid that this is about to change.
I've had the pleasure of organising Secret Santa for, I think the last five years; and although there has been the odd blip, I have found that this year is the limit of me keeping quite.
All SS members know that I keep a spread sheet of all activities, and inform all participants of the progress of their SS gifts.
This year I have been trying (effortlessly) to contact one participant, who has received a gift, but not sent one, or had the balls to post the gift he received. The annoying thing is, although he has not posted he visits the forum on a daily basis ( hope you read this).
I am too much of a gentleman to mention your name on the open forum, you know who you are so please don't put your name forward next year.
I will, if members want me to, continue to organise this fantastic event, but please if you put your name forward, and can't manage to complete, then let me know. I can always sort out the odd anomaly. All I ask is that you don't do what Hansonread did and ignore my PM's. Oh drat I've said it.
Sorry adjudicators is this is against the rules. :twisted: :twisted:
Having been a member of this forum for nearly 10 years I have learnt so much from other members, some of them that don't post here now, this to me is what the forum is about. For anyone that knows me, they'll say that I've never been involved, or started any contentious posts, I'm afraid that this is about to change.
I've had the pleasure of organising Secret Santa for, I think the last five years; and although there has been the odd blip, I have found that this year is the limit of me keeping quite.
All SS members know that I keep a spread sheet of all activities, and inform all participants of the progress of their SS gifts.
This year I have been trying (effortlessly) to contact one participant, who has received a gift, but not sent one, or had the balls to post the gift he received. The annoying thing is, although he has not posted he visits the forum on a daily basis ( hope you read this).
I am too much of a gentleman to mention your name on the open forum, you know who you are so please don't put your name forward next year.
I will, if members want me to, continue to organise this fantastic event, but please if you put your name forward, and can't manage to complete, then let me know. I can always sort out the odd anomaly. All I ask is that you don't do what Hansonread did and ignore my PM's. Oh drat I've said it.
Sorry adjudicators is this is against the rules. :twisted: :twisted: