Rocking Horse build-WIP-FINISHED.

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Before putting the final coats of varnish on the stand,i thought it best to drill all the holes required for the swing iron brackets.

Here is one of the steel bearing plates fitted.
These go under the swing irons and save the timber been worn away.

This is one of the brass swing irons brackets.
These are bolted down to the top rail.Drilled with a 6mm bit.
There will be a smear of grease applied here when it is finally assembled.

Here is what it will look like assembled.
click on images

Just gotta varnish and wait for it to dry :roll:
So while this is happening i can put all the tak onto the horse :D
Paul, how's Raffles (the dog) dealing with the new housemate during house training?

Waka, having had a sneak preview myself you are in for some eye candy.
Thanks for the comments :D

CHJ wrote
how's Raffles (the dog) dealing with the new housemate during house training?
I thnk old Mister Raf was a little jealous to start,i think he must have thought we'd brought a horse home with us :lol:

Not far now.
Here is all the Tak to be fitted :shock:

As you can see the workshop as now been moved to the living room :shock:
Started putting all the leather work on now.Starting with the saddle.
First on was the saddle cloths,one either side.
These were dampened lightly so they would blend with the shape of the horse,and when dried out look a nice tight fit.
As you can see from the photo most od the leather is fixed with 1" round head nails.These were just put in half way in case of any adjustments to the leather.Once hammered home all these nails will have fancy dome head nails to hide the 1" nails.

Now once again i took no piccys as the batteries went flat,but i had to carry on,so applogies for this. :roll:
Now all the leather is fitted and mane and tail.
Here the main is been held in place to bring it down to lie flat,because it is a seemed mane it needs to be done this way else it will just keep sticking up.I just use some old rag and hair conditioner which is sponged into the mane,that is then tied to the main and the horse.

So next will be the horse mounted on the stand,which will mean that it will be finished :D
Well at last the horse is now finished :D
Horse was mounted to the stand and attached using nuts and bolts which were drilled right through the hoof rails using the existing screw holes that held the horse on the temporary hoof rails.
The swing irons are held in place with a washer and split pin.
I also put a smear of grease on the irons where they go through the holes.
These are then covered using brass bowler hats,which you can see in the finished pictures.

And here is the horse finished and mounted.
It as took longer than i thought to make,mainly because i knew i had 6 months to do it,so i suppose i did take more time with it.

Just hope that it is received well.
Click on images

Hope you like it too :D
Fantastic result Paul. Thanks for taking the time with this great thread.